Thursday, August 7, 2014

A spokesman for the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga: Homosexuals live about 20 … –

A spokesman for the Diocese of Warsaw-Praga: Homosexuals live about 20 … –

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According to Dzieduszycki homosexuals die earlier because “lead unhealthy lifestyles.” – I’m sorry for them – said the spokesman. – Should govern social life so that in this lifestyle did not fall, people who can prevent this – he said.

When asked whether people who recently set fire to a rainbow in the square of the Saviour, should be punished with a prison, he said, that “certainly not”. – Sometimes, the courts for the worse case acquit people – he added.

At this point, the conversation turned to prof. John Hartman. – Judgment must be raw – he said. Already the whole of society has learned that this place is under the special protection of the state – he added.

In his opinion “fascists, attacking the work, repeatedly made it a symbol.” It was just a decoration of the square, and now play the Savior became a place of encounter fascism with a democratic, open – he said.

– You probably did not see fascism! – Protested Dzieduszycki.

John Hartman added that the rainbow should not disappear from the square of the Savior, as “a symbol of a democratic constitutional state, which keep the constitution.”

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