Saturday, August 9, 2014

Created online list of Legionnaires 1914-1918 Polish – Polish Radio

Created online list of Legionnaires 1914-1918 Polish – Polish Radio

The launch site announced during the National Congress of Parents and Friends of the Legions, which took place on Saturday in Kielce, grandson of Jozef Pilsudski, the director of the museum formed in Sulejówek Marshal, Christopher Jaraczewski.
In a letter addressed to the participants of the meeting – in a ceremony attended by approx. 120 relatives of soldiers – President Bronislaw Komorowski stressed that the success of the legion also act today could be “a source of inspiration for the young generation who wants to build our sovereign state.”
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“Polish freedoms, including the contemporary impossible to imagine without the tradition of the legion. Excluding military experience would remain the legions not reborn Republic : a potential legion gave her strength during the battles to keep borders. With him was drawn after building the Polish underground state during the Nazi occupation, and finally – this is the depositaries of the tradition of the legion guarded the idea of ​​independence in exile and entrusted her generation of Solidarity “- noted the President.
Komorowski encouraged participants congress to pass on to young people “legionary passion for freedom.” He also expressed hope that the message of the meeting “Everyone counts”, realizes early that “Poland needs of all citizens.”
National Congress – which refers to the 100th anniversary of the invasion of Kielce and Kompania Human Resources and to the 75th anniversary of the last Congress of the Legionaries, which took place in August 1939 in Kraków – accompanied by cultural and educational events organized at the Centre for Civic and Patriotic Thoughts , in the Market Square and City Park.
“This will restore memory”
data each legionary in the list include: name, parents’ names, place of residence, religion and tactical allocation. Not all biographies are complete – the originators of the list hoping that will be regularly replenished, such as thanks to applications descendants of soldiers.
list known to legions fought in the ranks of more than 400 14-year-old boys. Had entered the service of people who had approx. 60 years, also a woman. They were also priests and foreigners – including Hungarians and Turks.
Author list prof. Janusz Cisek revealed that work on it began 10 years ago when it developed a legion of losses. The historian noted that the list will restore the memory of the soldiers who came from small communities – not just officers and politicians who served in the legions and are widely known.
First Polish military formation in the twentieth century.
Polish Legions were the first Polish military formation in the twentieth century. They focused on the branches of Sagittarius Jozef Pilsudski, Rifle Team, Field Teams Falcons and other paramilitary organizations active before the First World War, mainly in the Austrian partition. His military effort during the war, contributed to independence in 1918.
Appointment Legions of life was the result of trespassing in August 1914 on land annexed by Russia – to the Kingdom of Polish – I Cadre Company called “Kadrówką”, located under the command of Pilsudski, consisting of current members of the Riflemen’s Association and Polish Rifle Squads. Soldiers’ Kadrówki “on the night of 5 on August 6, set out from Kraków’s Oleandrów, and on August 12 they came to Kielce.
According to historians, although militarily it was the episode, the event was of great political significance – it was a demonstration of the will to fight for an independent Poland. “Kadrówka” was the first since the end of the January regular division of the Polish army.
The portal is available at .
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