Thursday, August 14, 2014

Ebola – preventive procedures before the appearance of the virus in … –

Ebola – preventive procedures before the appearance of the virus in … –

In his opinion, there is no need for registration of persons in areas of West Africa, more important is the awareness of the threat. “There is also no legal basis to force a citizen to reported his departure to the place where he is currently fireplace Eboli” – says chief sanitary inspector Marek Posobkiewicz. He adds that although it is not prohibited to be “very reasonable approach to the need for such a trip.”

It points out that there are no direct flights from West Africa to Polish.

Posobkiewicz notes that, in accordance with the Polish law, a person in whom the disease is suspected, not only have the treatment, but it is also obliged to undergo treatment in isolation. All persons who have had contact with her, also need to be quarantined. Quarantine, like therapy, is mandatory.

“If anyone was in the area of ​​the threat, if you had contact with sick people or dead and also occur in the symptoms may suspect at home hemorrhagic fever. But the mere contact with sick or dead just before leaving for Europe should result in a three-week quarantine “- he says.

Posobkiewicz explains that if the symptoms of the disease occur in person on board the aircraft, the captain should report to the airport, that is sick , which may be infected with a virus hemorrhagic fever. Top to the plane arrived at one of our airports WHO certified. Recalls that before the EURO 2012 seven of our major airports have been certified to the effect that the procedures applicable there shall ensure the proper conduct in the event of an infectious disease. “So, in Poland there is enough airports to ensure the proper protection. But even if the plane landed at another airport, the procedures will look like” – says Posobkiewicz.

He added that the plane of the person suspected of being affected discontinued is the so-called . side lane, the patient is transported by medical personnel in isolation to the hospital, where he will be diagnosed and treated, also in isolation. People with the flight crew and airport staff, as well as those who were sitting next to before and after the patient must undergo a three-week quarantine at the place designated by the governor in the vicinity of the landing site.

Quarantined persons can be released before the end of the three weeks if earlier a person suspected of being affected earlier exclude hemorrhagic fever.

“If the person who returned from Africa, there are worrying symptoms such as fever, sore throat, pain in the joints, muscles, diarrhea, rash, bleeding, if not gone three weeks after leaving the country, where there was a fireplace epidemic may submit itself to a doctor or call 112 or the 999 dispatcher should send an ambulance after such a person, it does not move by itself and is likely to cause more people to disease “- says Posobkiewicz.

He adds that such person shall be referred to the nearest place to enable treatment in isolation.

It is noted that you can not examine the preventive – does not make sense. He explains that the incubation period – from exposure to infection to onset of symptoms – is the multiplication of the virus in the body, so the study could not detect. “If someone comes back from the place of an outbreak of epidemics and think you may be sick, because he had contact with sick shall not be subjected to the test, but quarantine” – emphasizes Posobkiewocz.

Prof. Vladimir Gut from the National Institute of Hygiene emphasizes, however, that the most important thing is to capture cases because the diagnosis of Ebola always takes place after the first symptoms. “There is no prophylactic diagnosis of Ebola. Can confirm the clinical diagnosis diagnostic vice versa is not possible. Before the onset of symptoms the result will be negative,” – he says.

Therefore, as pointed out by professionals, potential patients are subjected to quarantine.

According to the WHO announced by the balance of the number of fatalities in West Africa on 11 August 2014. was 1013, 1848 people are infected. In recent times, many people died in Liberia – 29; 17 deaths were registered in Sierra Leone and six in Guinea. WHO warned that the epidemic of Ebola virus is a threat to health on an international scale, and can continue to spread in the coming months.

August 18 (Tuesday) died Spanish missionary Miguel Pajares, who was infected with Ebola and was transported to a hospital in Madrid. In turn, in a hospital in Atlanta in the United States are treated with two Americans; their state – according to the latest information – is improving.


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