Thursday, August 14, 2014

Important: hackers attack Internet Site Warsaw Stock! – Interia

Important: hackers attack Internet Site Warsaw Stock! – Interia


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Paul Tamborski President of the Warsaw Stock Exchange. Photo. Andrew Hulimka / REPORTER

On Thursday afternoon you could not open the website Office of the President, and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. The head of the presidential press office Joanna Trzaska-Wieczorek said that there were technical problems with the functioning of the hand, while a spokesman for the Warsaw Stock Exchange Maciej Wewiór said that the pages WSE observed “excessive burden”.

– Company administering external website Office investigates and solves the technical problem that arose – Trzaska-Wieczorek said.

Previously on its website a group of Ukrainian hackers Cyberberkut (Berkut is the name of the former specialized units of the Ukrainian militia, which suppressed the recent pro-EU protests in Kiev) reported that blocked the websites of the Polish president and the Warsaw Stock Exchange. “CyberBerkut on behalf of the Ukrainian nation demands the immediate withdrawal of Polish mercenaries from the territory of our country and stop the blind support provided to a fascistic government of Ukraine” – is written on the page.

The Firm does not apply to reports Cyberberkutu, while Trzaska-Wieczorek announced that the first entities that have occurred to the office to ask about the functioning of the hand were two news agencies of Russia.

WSE spokesman Maciej Wewiór said Thursday that the pages WSE observed “excessive burden”. – From this arose temporary problems with access to selected exchanges – he added.

He noted, however, that Thursday’s session on the Stock Exchange is progressing smoothly. – There are no delays, suspensions, the session runs smoothly – he stressed.

In March, hackers attacked the websites of NATO. To attack was claimed by a group then Cyberberkut.

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Source of information:  PAP


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