Saturday, August 9, 2014

“In Jasienicy situation is still hot.” The priest Lemański not … – TVN 24

"In Jasienicy situation is still hot." The priest Lemański not … – TVN 24

Photo: TVN 24 | Video: tvn24 Consent to the celebration by Fr. Lemański occasional Mass in the parish in Jasienicy been withdrawn

Father Wojciech Lemanski will not be able to provide priestly ministry in his former parish in Jasienicy. Granted for a couple of days ago the consent of the curia was on Saturday withdrawn. As explained curia, happened “after assessing the situation in the parish and obtaining the opinion of the new parish priest.” Kuria indicated that the priest Lemański declared that “surrenders to a decision of the Ordinary”.

On Tuesday, an agreement was reached between the Curia and the Warszawa-Praga priest Wojciech Lemański, defined as “a new beginning or a happy ending”. One of the aspects of the agreement was an agreement on the authorities of the diocese that the priest Lemanski, a former pastor in Jasienicy, he could in his former parish priest occasionally provide service. – Archbishop consented to my participation in the liturgies of ritual. That is, such as weddings, funerals or anniversaries – reported Lemański.

decision dictated by “concern for the continuation of the conflict healing”

On Saturday, Warsaw Curia announced, however, that due to the fiery antagonism among parishioners in Jasienicy the publicity by Father Wojciech Lemanski this information, the conditional agreement for the celebration of Father Wojciech Lemanski occasional Masses in the parish was withdrawn.

– my presence …

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Become meant to “after assessing the situation in the parish and obtaining the opinion of the new parish priest.” “This decision is dictated by concern for the continuation of the difficult process of trying to heal the conflict in the local community,” – stated in a press curia.

I added: “We hope that the priest Wojciech Lemanski will successfully continue the recently started pastoral ministry in the Mazowiecki Neuropsychiatry Centre in Zagórz. “

At the end of the message curia indicated that the priest Wojciech Lemanski declared that” surrenders to a decision of the Ordinary. “

Meeting at the Woodstock Festival

To agreement, which was suspended on Saturday, there was on Tuesday during a meeting, to which the former parish priest in Jasienicy called curia due to the expression of the priest at Woodstock.

It was about a word about the Polish Church, which aroused controversy in the media and church circles. – Do our bishops will change? Probably not. One of the bishops, who was my professor at the seminary, just when we talked about the fact that we do not like ossification of the Church and those bishops who speak properly to the walls, and not to the people, he said something like this: “This generation needs to become extinct” . Ugly word, but they no longer change. It may be that you, the new generation, you will make a new spirit, a new enthusiasm, a new activity to the Church – said Fr. Lemański published on the Internet on the recording of the meeting at Woodstock.

“There are a few hot heads”

ks. Wojciech …

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The case commented on TVN24 Curia spokesman Matthew Dzieduszycki. – It appears that the situation on the spot there is still hot. There are a few hot heads who say they are not prepared for this situation, to that priest Wojciech could arrive there – he said.

He noted that the new pastor “just needs to enter in their duties and to build community around them. ” – Fr. Wojciech is entrusted with new responsibilities in the Mazovia Region Centre of Neurology and I think that each of them should take the job in the place where it performs – he said.

He admitted that the priest of Geneva is certainly a difficult decision. – He he is of familiarity with his former parishioners, at least part of them and would like to come there. On the other hand I think it will refer to this decision with understanding. He accepted it, and I would like to thank him for that – he said Dzieduszycki.

Problems Fr. Lemański

Ks. Lemański July 2013. Was pastor of the parish in Jasienicy (Mazowieckie). On his blog he criticized the church hierarchy, including a supervisor – Chairman of the Panel of Experts on KEP. Bioethics Archbishop. Hoser – including for document bioethical episcopate for, among others, In vitro, abortion and euthanasia.

It was removed from the parish; Archbishop Hoser found the attitude of the priest’s “lack of respect and obedience to the diocesan Bishop and the teaching of bishops in Poland in bioethical issues.” Ks. Lemański appealed the decision to the Vatican. The Holy See dismissed the appeal.

Author: NSZ // rzw / Source:


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