Wednesday, August 13, 2014

Kasia Tusk suing the “fact”. He wants 50 thousand. zł for the ambiguous title of … –

Kasia Tusk suing the "fact". He wants 50 thousand. zł for the ambiguous title of … –

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Former LPR leader does not want to speak about the case. – Do not confirm and do not deny it – he said “The media Virtual” Giertych. It is known that Kasia Tusk wants to award 50 thousand. zł from the publisher “Fakt”. Ringier Axel Springer Poland confirmed that the prime minister’s daughter filed a lawsuit. The process will start on October 15.

For what Kasia Tusk sued the “fact”? In April, 2014. Minister Donald Tusk revealed the contents of vulgar SMSs that got his daughter. A day later, portal published an article on this subject, under the heading “Drama Kasia Tusk. They called her a whore. A Tusk thanks.”

And that will – according to the “Virtual Media” – a key issue before the court . Now, in the text of the talk was that it Kasia Tusk thanked – the fans, for the words of support that have posted on her blog. Meanwhile, the title of the article was very ambiguous and could suggest that it was the Prime Minister thanked – for insulting his daughter.

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