Friday, August 8, 2014

Michael L. rally after Monciaku – is a record of surveillance cameras –

Michael L. rally after Monciaku – is a record of surveillance cameras –

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Michael L. entered the promenade at pl. Constitution of May 3 on Saturday after 23 At first relatively calm, honking going down. Then pulled into the pier. There’s already turned and started to return much faster. Has been recognized by the operator monitoring, but I was able to deduct 23 people. When crashed into a tree, the crowd wanted to make lynching, but stopped their police, who cuffed the driver in handcuffs and took the command.

As a result of the event, six people were taken to hospital, four of them suffered serious fractures, one of the persons, Michael L. crushed the legs, threatened amputation. 32-year-old went to the Detention Centre in Gdansk, threatened him 10 years in prison. Experts stated that on July 19 he was under the influence of any substance. During the hearing the prosecution refused to answer questions, he just said that he treated the psychiatrically. So appointed experts aim to carry out forensic psychiatric examination. – They found that the offender was completely abolished the ability to understand their behavior, and to direct their behavior – says the prosecutor. Grazyna Wawryniuk the District Prosecutor’s Office in Gdansk. – Was caused by mental illness. The man requires treatment in the hospital closed.

Insanity means that you need to discontinue the proceedings, or to apply for the cancellation of the court with a request for precautionary measures when there is a risk that the offender in connection with illness commits a similar action. – The person insane directs the disease, not a rational decision-making and the legislature foresaw this situation – explains the prosecutor Wawryniuk. – It’s hard to bear criminal responsibility. Such a person must be subjected to the treatment.


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