Tuesday, August 12, 2014

NEC raised rates to members of election commissions. Rates … – Dziennik.pl

NEC raised rates to members of election commissions. Rates … – Dziennik.pl

This is the first increase in eight years. NEC says that the reason is simple – the current rates lacked willing to work in commission . In Warsaw or Poznan had to move several deadlines for candidates.

Now NEC has a greater interest.

In accordance with a resolution of NEC President of the territorial electoral commission for his work during the local elections will receive 650 zł (earlier it was 245 zł ). Hosts regional committee chairmen election will have the diet of 600 zł (earlier it was 225 zł). Members of the territorial election commissions will receive 550 zł (previous rate is 200 zł).

relied on were also allowances of members of electoral commissions . President of the such a commission receives a 380 zł (increase from 165 zł); his deputy shall have 330 zł (earlier it was 150 zł). In turn, the peripheral member of the committee will receive a diet of 300 zł (earlier it was 135 zł).

In this year’s election will be about 27.6 thousand circuits . Work will be there 9 – 7 people, depending on the type of circuit (in hospitals or prisons required is less, seven-man team)

Local Elections will be held in November.

READ MORE: mock election silence and NEC: Get out now grandfather of the antenna & gt; & gt; & gt;


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