Friday, August 1, 2014

Not only the capital. All of Poland paid tribute to the Warsaw insurgents – TVN 24

Not only the capital. All of Poland paid tribute to the Warsaw insurgents – TVN 24

Throughout Poland Warsaw insurgents ucczono memory

sounds of sirens, stopping traffic on the streets, masses, appeals memory, exhibitions and concerts – as in Poland attributable celebrated on Friday the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.

– I’ve been doing this …

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Exactly the chair. 17, seventy years after the outbreak of the Warsaw Uprising, a tribute to those who died in the capital sounded sirens in the streets paused for a minute passers-by, stopped cars and trams. 70 seconds of silence honor the insurgents also have given the media and Parliament. To commemorate the sirens wailed hours and in 44 of Mazovia cities include Ciechanów, Kozienice, Ostrołęce, Plock, Pruszkow, Radom, Siedlce and Żyrardow and in many cities across Poland: Krakow, Opole, Lodz, Koszalin, Kolobrzeg, Slupsk.

Tribute in St. Mary’s Church

of Krakow St. Mary’s Basilica celebrated Mass. the intention of the homeland and the soldiers who died for her freedom. Also made flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, in the pl. Matejko. In the museum, AK was opened exhibition “Days of Uprising – Warsaw 1944″ – which is a joint venture between the museum and the Institute of National Remembrance. It presents large-format boards with photographs of Army soldiers struggle and tragedy of the citizens of Warsaw.

celebrating the day of remembrance of those days, would lean his forehead against their colleagues who were killed during the uprising, but also against those whom it was given a rise to survive, and departed on eternal guard in post-war Poland, often derided , vilified, harassed, and eventually executed by Stalin’s executioners in prison

class=”quoteAuthor”> Krystyna Cembrzyńska-Pilate, the Soviet Army Soldiers

On Friday, the Museum of Army hit archival collection of Boleslaw General Nieczui-Ostrowski, head of the Military Headquarters in Krakow District ZWZ-AK, responsible, inter alia, for clandestine production of weapons. Among the documents submitted are photographs, describing the operation of the Home Army after World War II and the correspondence between the general and the soldiers.

Kielce before the official ceremonies at the monument dedicated to the Boy Scouts who died for the Fatherland, the Square Scout them. Grey Ranks reminded of the story of the morning in the Warsaw Uprising and liaison nurses, actresses, derived from Kielce Sophia Books-Bregułowej. The brief also reminded reenactors staging an attack on the University of Warsaw on the first day of fighting, during which a colleague Books-Bregułowej of clustering AK “Krybar” under fire, rescued the wounded Germans.

ceremony at the monument

70 . anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising was celebrated in Gdansk placing flowers at the monument of the Polish Underground State. The ceremony was attended by several hundred people. – Celebrating the day of remembrance of those days, to lean his forehead against colleagues who died during the uprising, but also against those whom it was given a rise to survive, and departed on eternal guard in post-war Poland, often mocked, vilified, harassed, and finally executed by Stalin’s executioners in prison – said vice-president of the World Association of District Pomeranian Army Soldiers see Krystyna Cembrzyńska-Pilate.

We began …

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At the cathedral square in Lodz opened on Friday, the exhibition “Insurgent biographies – Lodz Warsaw Uprising echo” prepared by the local branch of the IPN. The exhibition presents the biographies of 20 Lodz who fought and died in the Warsaw Uprising, and these former insurgents, who after the war settled in Lodz and contributed to the social and intellectual life of the city. Authors include exposure commemorated Brig. Edward Francis Pfeiffer ps. Radwan. He served as commander of the District and Downtown District Headquarters Army Warsaw-City. There are also biographies of Lodz Girl Scouts – Wocalewskiej Mary and her sister Martha Hedwig and Barbara Nazdrowicz ps. Squirrel.

Before the opening of the exhibition in Lodz great Cathedral was celebrated Mass., During which the sarcophagus with a plaque commemorating the 153 priests of the church of Lodz who died during World War II, the remains were submitted by Fr. Thaddeus Burzynski, Łódź uprising chaplain and Army soldier who was killed in the first hour of the ongoing fighting.

prayers and Masses

Appeal memory salvo of honor, Mass in the Church of the Transfiguration on the outskirts of the Army National and placing flowers and candles at the Monument of Remembrance Army Soldiers pay tribute to the Warsaw insurgents have cast Opole. The ceremony was attended by city and state authorities Opole and a group of supporters of the Odra Opole, which came with a banner with the words “Glory to the Heroes”. – I do not celebrate today the anniversary of the disaster. We honor the heroes and we honor exceptional, heroic Army – emphasized the district president of the World Association of Opole Polish Home Army Maj. Wanda Smith. She added: “The Warsaw Uprising was as much a tragic decision, which of the situation required. It was the last attempt to maintain an independent Polish “.

Koszalin celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising took place in front of the statue of General Wladyslaw Anders. Soldier’s prayer was refused, the monument made bouquets of flowers. In Kolobrzeg ceremony at the War Cemetery was preceded by one of the roundabouts giving the name of the Warsaw Uprising.

There are so …

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In Wroclaw Post and Telecommunications Museum opened an exhibition on Friday, which is presented more than 60 letters, which provided a post office insurgent. The exhibition is entitled “Letters to the next. The 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. ” This is the first comprehensive presentation of letters delivered by mail insurgent who are in the collections of Wroclaw facility. In addition to the letters on the exposure are also presented postage stamps issued by the postal insurgent. Visitors can also see one of the two extant today the creation of mailboxes.

exhibition on the occasion of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising also prepared Lower Silesian Centre of Photography “Summer Romance”. At the exhibition you can see dozens of photographs taken by the participants in the uprising. It photographs taken by: Stefan Baluk, Sylwester Braun, Tadeusz Bukowski, Wieslaw Chrzanowski, Jerzy Tomaszewski and Joseph Jerzy Karpinski.

70 anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising »

Video: tvn24 ” This for me is part of the history of the family “

Author: rf MTOM / Source: PAP


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