Friday, August 8, 2014

Photo of roulette on Facebook? Court: 1 thousand. zł penalty –

Photo of roulette on Facebook? Court: 1 thousand. zł penalty –

The case has its origin still at the beginning of this year. It was then an inhabitant of the officers came Trybunalski of the Customs and advised that posting picture of roulette on Facebook broke the law and promotes gambling gamble.

Court has ruled that a man is guilty of the charges against him and imposed on him a penalty of one thousand. zł, reported Radio ZET.

Trybunalski resident claims that he was never in the casino and not playing roulette. The picture was taken during the integration event.

– said a customs official, Lord loved, but it is only a picture. When the roulette ball in hand, even I did not. I want the case went to trial. This judgment is simply absurd – argues.

READ MORE: Members poker players want to play! And not just in the Sejm & gt; & gt; & gt; photo


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