Monday, August 11, 2014

PLN 300 per day of work? Higher allowances of members of the committee … – Newsweek Poland

PLN 300 per day of work? Higher allowances of members of the committee … – Newsweek Poland

by over one hundred percent of NEC sublime allowances of members of the committee in the local elections.

With 135 zł 300 zł (diet are exempt from taxes) increased diet for his work in the peripheral committee local elections ; Chairman of the committee peripheral receives 380 zł – a rise of 165 zł. The National Electoral Commission significantly increased the diet also for work in committees governments.

Diet committee members in local elections remained unchanged for eight years. Secretary of NEC Kazimierz Czaplicki expressed the hope that increased dietary encourage the reporting of the candidates for members of election commissions. – Previous salary was not encouraging, to put it mildly – rated.

300 zł get peripheral member of the committee. The President can count on 380 zł

In accordance with the resolution of the NEC chairman of territorial election commissions for his work during the elections government will receive 650 zł (earlier it was 245 zł). Hosts chairmen of territorial election commissions will be given a diet of 600 zł (earlier it was 225 zł). Members of the territorial election commissions will receive 550 zł (previous rate is 200 zł).

relied on were also allowances of members of electoral commissions. The Chairman of this committee will receive 380 zł (increase from 165 zł); his deputy shall have 330 zł (earlier it was 150 zł). In turn, a member of the electoral commission will receive a diet of 300 zł (earlier it was 135 zł).


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