Monday, August 11, 2014

Prof. Bogdan Chazan: moved a total of approx. 500 abortions –

Prof. Bogdan Chazan: moved a total of approx. 500 abortions –

In matters of private feels like the St.. Paul – said prof. Bogdan Chazan , a gynecologist, sacked former director of the Hospital of St.. Family.

A professor in an interview with Thomas Terlikowskim admits that at times when he worked in the Wolski Hospital conducted a total of approx. 500 abortions. – I was Nathanson. I conducted an abortion or not as long or as often – weapons, however, Chazan. ( Bernard Nathanson is an American exponent of abortion , who went over to the pro-life).

Chazan says that he thought about it who might be today children , which made abortion.

I remember his last abortion in the late 80 She went to my colleague, anesthesiologist, asking him to perform an abortion patient, because she has a heart defect and afraid of death. This is very experienced and then I decided that I never more will not do – said prof. Chazan.

did not have such as now full of consciousness of humanity killed baby. One of the reasons was the lack of ultrasound. That’s also not talking. Ethical topics was not present in anszych talks. I think that most of us about displaced from their thinking – says Chazan.

Deaths from diseases that precede pregnancy, and the course of pregnancy increases, an absolute rarity – said prof. Chazan and accuses feminist environment of “ordinary Story” in this case.

The gynecologist says also about their plans for the future . – have always been interested in politics. The further away from the left, the better – declares. – Me is not about functions or position, but rather to be able to actually work for the values ​​that are dear to me. If I could do it, I would seriously consider such a possibility – adds.


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