Sunday, August 10, 2014

“The parish has not yet been reunited.” Spokesman … – TVN 24

"The parish has not yet been reunited." Spokesman … – TVN 24

Photo: PAP / EPA | Video: tvn24 Confusion about Fr. Lemański continues

– Change the position occurred simply because people, so residents Jasienicy, parishioners again fell out among themselves. And that was the problem – explained the decision to change the curia Warsaw-Prague ws. Ks. Wojciech Lemanski spokesman of the Polish Episcopate, Fr. Jozef Kloch. – Unfortunately, this parish has not yet united – he said.

– came on …

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On Tuesday, an agreement was reached between the Curia and the Warszawa-Praga priest Wojciech Lemański, defined as “a new beginning or a happy ending”. One of the aspects of the agreement was an agreement on the authorities of the diocese that the priest Lemanski, a former pastor in Jasienicy, he could in his former parish priest occasionally provide service.

On Saturday, Warsaw Curia announced, however, that due to the ” the fiery antagonism among parishioners in Jasienicy “after publicity by Father Wojciech Lemanski this information, the conditional agreement for the celebration of Father Wojciech Lemanski occasional Masses in the parish was withdrawn.

” parishioners disagreed ”

The decision of the curia in “Fakty after Fakty” on Sunday, a spokesman for the Polish Episcopate explained Fr. Jozef Kloch. – Changing the position occurred simply because people, so residents Jasienicy, parishioners again fell out among themselves. And that was the problem – he said.

As emphasized clerical person can not “make any anxieties and differences.”

Father Wojciech …

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– Unfortunately, this parish has not yet united – rated. And he added: – You can not reopen the fresh wound. Therefore, the change of position.

“A person of Fr. Lemański produces a very great excitement”

Ks. Kloch said that currently waiting for it to “the main character began to reconcile the people.” The question of whether now do not do this, he replied: – As you can see curia had to withdraw this permission, because there was a problem in the same Jasienicy.

– The very person (Father. Lemański) – as you can see – evokes very strong emotions . And there just need a peace to the ordinary pastoral work. For new pastor, just – said the spokesman.

Ks. Kloch also said that “the Church is a lot of freedom.” – I never felt compelled as a spokesman to say something with which I disagreed – he concluded.

Author: NSZ MTOM / Source: tvn24


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