Friday, August 15, 2014

“We want to strengthen the NATO of the East” –

"We want to strengthen the NATO of the East" –


 Military ceremonies were held across the country. In Warsaw parade, which at noon passed al. Ujazdowskie, watched by crowds of spectators. Besides the presidential couple at the grandstand were, among others Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Sejm Speaker Ewa Kopacz and the heads of Defense and the National Security Bureau Stanisław Tomasz Siemoniak and Goat.


 In his speech, President Komorowski referred to the Russian-Ukrainian conflict, which – in his opinion – showed that not all European nations can live safely. “On the feast of the Polish Army are reminded that freedom is not given once and for all, that it must constantly protect, strengthen, you need to appreciate, that we are responsible for the strength of the independent Polish state, its army, we are co-responsible for the strength of the North Atlantic Alliance” – emphasized the superior forces.


 The President announced that Poland will continue to insist on reinforcing the eastern flank of NATO by the presence of soldiers from other countries and advanced equipment base. He drew attention to the need to draw conclusions with regard to collective defense planning, exercise intensity, ability and level of preparedness reaction forces, as well as the development of infrastructure for the adoption of allied support in case of emergency.


 Komorowski also announced that during the NATO summit in September in Newport, Wales, Poland will want to raise the issue of defense spending. “There may be further so that our powerful neighbor to the east of eight years increases the financing of the weapons, and NATO lowers them. Poles We also need to re-obtain the funding recommended by the Alliance defense system at the level of the entire 2 percent. GDP” – he said.


 The President pointed out that Poland wants peace and good relations with all its neighbors, including Russia. “But we want security. So we have to be ready to defend the Republic, because nothing encourages potential aggressor, as weakness stalked the victim. Because there is nothing that discourages potential aggressor as a strong state and courageous society,” – he said.


 The parade was attended by approx. 1.2 thousand. soldiers (of which nearly 800 marching) and over 120 vehicles, and above the throng flew over 50 aircraft and helicopters. Paraded not only Poles, but also a trainee in Poland Americans and Canadians.


 By evening armament and military equipment Polish armed forces will be on display around the Baths. On Agrykoli army soldier prepared feast, and along the streets Myśliwiecka and Light Cavalry – an exhibition of heavy vehicles.


 Before noon in the courtyard of the Belvedere president gave the military orders. Also promoted 13 officers to the rank of general and admiral, including Chief of General Staff Mieczyslaw Gocuła that was “four” general.


 Promoted to Lieutenant General took command of 2nd Mechanized Corps in Krakow. Gen.. Janusz Adamczak, who – as learned PAP – soon will include a high position in the structures of NATO. Three officers received promotions to the rank of Major General, seven – to brigadier general, and one – to Rear Admiral.


 At this ceremony the president stressed that the modernization of the army is not only investments in technology, but also the acquisition and maintenance of knowledge. Vanced generals Komorowski noted that “the soldier and the army as a whole has a sacred right to be well commanded.”


 The head of the armed forces in the morning also took part in the mass. for the Homeland and the Cathedral of the Polish Army in the field. Laid flowers at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier, and in front of Warsaw’s two statues of Marshal Jozef Pilsudski, who was Commander in Chief during the Polish-Bolshevik War and the Battle of Warsaw 1920., To commemorate the feast which is celebrated Polish Army.






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