Digest “Izvestia” newspaper on December 24, 2014 (Part IV)
IC opened a criminal case of fraud against the wife Ashurkova
The Investigation Committee of Russia opened a criminal case under article “Fraud in a large scale” against the civilian wife of the head of the Fund to combat corruption Vladimir Ashurkova and the owner of the capital of ZAO “Office 17″ Alexandrina Markvo, as well as director of the company Andrey Mylnikova. They are suspected of frauds in the performance of government contracts in 2010-2014 from Rospechat and media and advertising department of the city of Moscow, totaling about 65 million rubles. According to investigators, some of the money was stolen and used to finance the activities of Alexei Navalny and his party. Post to institute criminal proceedings is posted on the TFR.
It is possible that there will be instituted new criminal cases – now investigators inspected for fraud other state contracts, which the contractor was a company “Office 17″ and other firms. According to sources in the TFR, in a criminal case may appear and new helpers: Deputy Head Rospechat Vladimir Grigoriev and head of media and advertising of the Moscow government Vladimir Chernikov.
The reason for the initiation of criminal proceedings began publication in the media that relatives of famous Russian opposition to government contracts earned tens of millions of rubles. After them, the leader of the National Liberation Movement Evgeny Fedorov turned to the Prosecutor General and the Investigative Committee to check the legality of financing structures of the opposition and the government of the Moscow City Hall. According to him, the company’s civil wife of the head of the Fund to combat corruption Vladimir Ashurkova Alexandrina Markvo, among which was the “Office 17″ and “Slav”, earned 100 million rubles for gostenderah by organizing various events. Ashurkov himself at this time was an assistant opposition leader Alexei Navalny, was actively involved in his political activities.
Dear announcements
During preliminary examination of this information has already been partially confirmed. How do I find investigators in 2010-2014 “Office 17″ entered into with the Federal Agency for Press and Mass Communications (Rospechat) 7 state contracts totaling 13 million rubles, and with the Department of the media and advertising the city of Moscow – 9 more contracts 51 million rubles. As part of the company won tenders took hold actions to raise the prestige of reading in the park in Moscow, as well as literary contests announcements.
– Main Investigation Department of the Investigative Committee opened a criminal case against the leaders of “Office 17″ Alexandrina Markvo and Andrew Mylnikova. They are suspected of committing crimes under Part. 3 and 4 of Art. 159 of the Criminal Code (“Fraud in the large and very large scale”), – said in a statement spokesman Vladimir Markin TFR.
Alexandrina Markvo was the owner and the de facto leader of “Office 17″, but it was listed nominee director Andrew Myl’nikov driver.
– The organization of one of these events in 2012 Markvo use ready-made infrastructure that was in the park, but in the official reports reflected the costs allegedly renting premises for more than 2 million rubles. On this basis the Moscow mayor’s office to pay the costs, – noted in the TFR. – Since no real cost to rent the room was not, investigators believe that the money was stolen it.
According to investigators, in a similar way Alexandrina Markvo earned in 2013 on a state contract for the contest literary announcements “News from classics. ” Investigators believe that the report submitted to Rospechat to pay for the contract, and Markvo Myl’nikov fabricated estimate of allegedly spent 500 thousand. Rubles for rent, purchase of prizes for participants and conduct the awards ceremony.
– How to set consequently, any rental of premises, no ceremony Markvo not organized, – reported in the TFR. – Rather than give the prizes to the winners of four in a solemn ceremony, gifts sent to them by mail, and someone offered to take them on their own.
The investigator has reason to believe that Markvo earned even prizes to the winners. For example, in the first place relied laptop, for the second – the plate for the third – the smartphone, and for the fourth – the e-book. However, according to investigators, all winners get a cheap electronic book readers.
It is noteworthy that in the events organized Markvo, usually attended by prominent members of the Coordinating Council of the opposition and the “League of the voters.” This writer Dmitry Bykov, Leonid Rubinstein, Viktor Shenderovich, Boris Akunin, as well as spouses, TV presenters Michael Schatz and Tatyana Lazareva. According to the documents, the latter received in 2011 from the “Office 17″ of about 1 million rubles, but could not even remember what it was at the event.
When investigators summoned to an interview by Boris Akunin, he chose to go abroad . Leonid Rubinstein and Viktor Shenderovich generally refused to talk with the investigator, referring to Art. 51 of the Russian Constitution, which gives the opportunity not to incriminate himself.
As part of the investigation of this criminal case, investigators will check and other state contracts with “Office 17″. It is possible that in the near future will be involved in the case and the formal head of the company “Glory” Olga race. According to investigators, the de facto leader of this company was also the Alexandrina Markvo.
As told to “News” sources of the Investigation Committee, in the case file as witnesses already on the City Hall officials and Rospechat. We are talking about the deputy head Rospechat Vladimir Grigoriev and head of the Department of the media and advertising Moscow Vladimir Chernikov, who supervised tenders for their departments.
– As long as they are held as witnesses. But it is likely that during the investigation of the status of re-classified from witnesses on the accused, – said the source of “Izvestia”.
How to win Markvo
JSC “Office 17″ has long been the capital earns tenders. Peak Ratio Markvo occurred during the mayoral election campaign. The constant presence of a support group Navalny on city festival is the advocacy of the opposition and the latent image using blogger.
As told to “News” senior sources, the money received from gostenderov could also be in the accounts of Navalny through his “Yandeks.Koshelek “. Headquarters Navalny chosen collection system means allowing not disclose all who transfers the money to the election account.
In 2011, the company won the tender Markvo Rospechat by organizing a series of events at the Book Fair Book Market (1,39 million rubles ). Carrying out this and other agencies tenders, won by Markvo, then and now was in charge of the deputy head Rospechat Vladimir Grigoriev.
In 2012, the company won a five bids, three of which were organized by the department of media and advertising. The total amount received by Markvo from the capital budget in 2012 amounted to more than 27 million rubles. In 2013, close cooperation committee on media and advertising, and the company continued Markvo. As part of the state order from 29.03.2013 and the state contract 68-GC / 13 of 30.05.2013 the company received 17.8 million rubles for “organizing and conducting activities aimed at enhancing the prestige of reading in city parks in Moscow”.
In addition, the company won the competition committee (“Provision of services for the presentation mediaekspozitsii publishing program of the Government of Moscow” Moscow Book “at the XXXI International Book Fair in Madrid”, “Provision of services for the organization of the reception on behalf of the Mayor of Moscow for the guests and participants of the XX International Book Fair Beijing “) in the amount of more than 2 million rubles. In addition, the company won the competition Rospechat (“Organizing and conducting Contest and Parade Trailer”) – 3 million rubles. In general, the company has won competitions and tenders worth more than 27 million rubles.
In 2014, the company’s activity in urban Markvo tenders declined: only two tenders, both from the committee of media and advertising – about 2 million rubles. At the same time in 2014, has grown the company’s revenue, “Glory”, founded by the Markvo girlfriend – Olga race. According to the register, the sole owner of LLC “Glory” (created in 2012, is active in the PPL) is Olga Voznaya – at the same time it is also the director of development of creative agency Buro 17 (founder of JSC “Office 17″ – Alexandrina Markvo).
It is possible that Voznaya is only a nominal owner of the agency Slava.
So, within the announced tender committee in April and print media to provide services for the organization and conduct of activities aimed at enhancing the image reading in city parks Moscow, “Glory” received 15,980,000 rubles. In September this year the company won the tender committee on tourism and hotel business in Moscow in the amount of 3,490,000 rubles (“Open tender for the right to a state contract for the provision of training and placement programs for cycle tourism opportunities of Moscow”). The same committee gave the order “Glory” in an open competition for the state contract to provide services for the creative competition for the amount of 2.7 million rubles.
In June and July, the company won the tender Rospechat receiving the right to conduct activities in the amount of more than 6 million rubles (“Organisation of events as part of the award for the best translation of Russian literature into foreign languages” Read Russia “- 2.99 million rubles,” Organization and carrying out activities to support and develop the multimedia reading book Festival Book Market “- 1,4 million rubles,” Organizing and conducting the All-Russian contest Trailer “- 2.3 million rubles).
Flight abroad
According to” Izvestia “in October, the executive director of the fight against corruption Vladimir Ashurkov, which is currently in the UK, filed in July of this year, a statement to the local Department of the Interior to grant him political asylum, explaining his political persecution in Russia. Along with him in England from May 2014 are common-law wife Alexandrina Markvo, her daughter and their common with Ashurkova son Nicholas, who was born in the UK. Himself a former top manager of “Alfa” in July was on the federal wanted list on charges of fraud involving theft of funds raised during the campaign for mayor of Moscow his teammate Alexei Navalny.
The rapid departure Executive Director of the Anti-Corruption abroad has caused outrage in the ranks of the opposition. So, colleagues Ashurkova stated that he fled abroad, appropriating other people’s money. As reported TFR, in July 2013, when Alexei Navalny was a registered candidate for mayor of Moscow, his closest associates Konstantin Jankauskas, Nikolai and Vladimir Lyaskin Ashurkov transferred to 1 million rubles for his campaign account. In order to recover the money, the three companions Navalny asked Internet users to transfer money to their electronic wallets. As a result, they received more than 10 million rubles – including from anonymous users from Russia, as well as with foreign IP-addresses.
Investigators believe that Jankauskas, Lyaskin Ashurkov and stole the money collected, despite the fact that stated on the collection of money for political activities Navalny.
former head Kopeysk COLONY given a suspended sentence
Kopeysk City Court of the Chelyabinsk region announced the verdict former head of IR-6 common mode Denis Mehanovu. 30-year-old major of internal service was accused of abuse of office (Art. 285 of the Criminal Code) and the illicit manufacture of weapons (Art. 223 of the Criminal Code). According to investigators, mechanics for 2 years – from 20 November 2010 to 25 December 2012 – regularly committed crimes against public property and the interests of the civil service, which ultimately led to an uprising of prisoners in the assigned institution. The Court found guilty of major proven and sentenced him – 3 years probation and a fine of 370 thousand. Rubles. Human rights activists are outraged, and representatives of the victims have already said they will seek to Mehanova real life.
The criminal case against the former head of the colony Kopeysk N 6 Denis Mehanova were instituted after the rebellion of prisoners, which occurred November 25, 2012. On that day, more than 400 convicts refused to comply with the prison administration and barricaded themselves in one of the production facilities. Also prisoners stretched roof sheet with the inscription “People, help.” Thus the prisoners tried to attract the attention of journalists and human rights defenders to arbitrary, dissolved in the colony: beatings, torture and extortion. Simultaneously, at the entrance to the colony, there were clashes between riot police and relatives of prisoners who arrived to quell the rebels.
Acceleration protest received wide publicity in the media. A check of the central apparatus of the FSIN, the Prosecutor General and the Investigative Committee confirmed the complaints are.
According to the prosecution, created in mechanical IR-6 system requisitions from relatives of prisoners. For several years, until November 2012 riots th fsinovtsy demanded that prisoners amounts to 5 thousand. To 90 thousand. Rubles, and refused to create a “adverse conditions”.
As told in an interview to “Izvestia” former prisoner IR-6 Michael Ermuraki, those who refused to pay, put in a punishment cell, where guards arranged the so-called acceptance.
– It looks as follows: the prisoner is put knitted cap on his head, to close my eyes and mouth sealed with tape in the ear, insert the cotton swabs so as not to hear conversations on the hands handcuffed and hung on the bar – explained “professional term” Michael jailers. – And then just hit the handle of a shovel on the head and back.
Cam same mechanics, according to the prisoners, anything does not refuse: he had room service from the prisoners and personal chef, cook dishes. In addition, the investigators found the colony underground weapon factory in which prisoners were made knives, daggers and swords.
Cam mechanical pleaded not guilty, claiming that he acted only for the benefit of the prisoners.
– The money from prisoners and their relatives have been extorted, voluntary humanitarian aid taken lawfully and was entirely on the needs of the convicts, torture and massacres were not, – he said in his final statement.
The Court came to the conclusion that Dennis mechanical guilty of crimes against public property and the interests of the public service, in violation of job descriptions and abuse of power, and sentenced him to three years’ imprisonment and a fine of 370 thousand. rubles.
Human rights activists believe that “Kopeysk” case was a landmark – it forced the management to recognize the failure of the Federal Penitentiary prison reform and start a real fight against the so-called torturous zones. However, the verdict was a travesty of justice.
– It is important to understand all of that, in fact, the sentence was to be not so much the sentence personally Denis Mehanovu as mehanovschine that is happening in many colonies, – said Vladimir Osechkin , Project Manager against Torture and corruption Gulagu.net. – However, it was launched on the brakes. Instead of real life, he received a suspended, although in fact there were 10 episodes of extortion with the threat of violence.
According to Osechkina, the uniqueness of this case was that the victims in the case were three prisoners who had experienced unprecedented pressure. As a result, two of them gave up reading.
The representative of the victim Khrapov Alexander said he would appeal the verdict and seek to Mehanova real punishment.
The Tenth press Conference of Russian President Vladimir Putin on December 18 did not set a record for duration and the number of questions and answers, but it looked a record number of Russians. According to research and consulting firm TNS, the event brought together watching television 8 million people in Russia (7.7 million of them are older than 18 years), more than 60% of viewers who watched TV in the three-plus hours. For comparison, the most anticipated “straight line” with the president in April of this year, at which the Russians were waiting on the statements of the president in the Crimea and Ukraine, combined with screens of about 6.9 million people over 18 years.
Putin more three hours answering questions from Russian and foreign journalists. Live event was broadcast for the first time four federal channel, rather than three, as was the usual: “First”, “Russia 1″, “Russia 24″ – and the TV channel “Mir” (funded by the CIS).


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