Wednesday, May 25, 2016

Proxies will be able to verify the signature lists to the CEC – News

Photo: TASS / Sergei Bobylev

The eighth meeting of the CEC of Russia, as always, began with the analysis of voters’ complaints. At this time they touched the scandalous elections in Barvikha. Their results were annulled the decision of the Central Election Commission because of numerous violations. Considering the first item on the agenda concerning the actions of the election commission of the rural settlement Barvihinskaya Odintsovo municipal district of Moscow region, the head of the commission Ella Pamfilova said that this consideration is an intermediate, which means that more will be meeting on this issue

-. Now work continues to clarify all the circumstances of what happened in this area. CEC Commission, which went to Barvikha, revealed violations of the electoral committee of the rural settlement Barvihinskaya Odintsovo District. In particular, the election documentation on early elections of deputies of the Board of Deputies of rural settlement was destroyed Barvihinskaya Barvihinskaya election commission. Meanwhile, according to the law, the shelf life of such documents is not less than a year. While this is the interim results. It is important that this work was brought to an end. There will be more meetings on the issue, – summarized Ella Pamfilova

The CEC members proposed to disband the local election commission, as required by law.. However, Ella Pamfilova, this proposal is not agreed, noting that “it is necessary to understand why such breaches have become possible, organize them, and no longer allow such stories.” However, he immediately added that there are already indications that it is in this area again there are similar violations.

Also at the meeting were considered and the procedure for admission of signature sheets with voter signatures in support of the nomination of federal lists of candidates for the State Duma of the seventh convocation of their random sampling and testing, as well as recommendations for the design of the folder containing signature sheets – how to draw up reports on the results of collecting voters’ signatures in support of nomination of candidates for deputies. The document notes that the petitions submitted to the Central Election Commission no earlier than July 4, 2016 and no later than 18 hours Moscow time on August 3, 2016 ode. At the same time while checking signature sheets and sample representatives of a candidate or party shall be entitled to attend.

It is worth noting that this practice earlier in the work of the election commission was not. The collected documents verified by a special commission.

Now, to the authorized persons of particular relevance. On carrying out random sampling and verification of signatures they will be notified by telegram to the notice, which shall be signed by the head of the sub-group dedicated to the reception and verification of signature sheets. These notices are recorded in a special register. The very presence of proxies is also noted in the log book the presence of Commissioners, and other trusted representatives of political parties. To representatives of the parties were in the room where the check lists, they must pre-notify the subgroup that deals with reconciliation signatures.

Not spared the CEC and the topic primaries, “United Russia”.

– Many people do not understand what it was, and went to vote, as in real elections – said Ella Pamfilova

According to her, the primaries. – “A great gift for the commission.” Conducting parties primaries – is a step forward. It would be nice if this example would be followed by other parties. Experience in other countries shows that this is the right decision, said Ella Pamfilova.

– Well, that now many dark sides, and many disorders that’s so bright spilled on the surface. This enables us to rapidly develop a package of measures and actions, and to put obstacles in the way of abuses which are now revealed that they were not in the autumn campaign – she said

According to the chairman of the CEC, it is the representatives of the ruling party <. span> well on themselves have felt the negative side of the use of administrative resources

-. Let the thought, and the other is suffering? – Said Ella Pamfilova

The head of the CEC noted that, despite the fact that the primaries are not the CEC competence, they still received complaints about their conduct

-.. We have reviewed the complaint and They divided them into several groups. Part of the aim in the game itself, the second part, which deals with the obvious use of administrative resources, we analyze and classify themselves which regions from this point of view the most disadvantaged. The third part, which deals with the obvious violations of the law, we will send the police. This is a very important source of information for analysis, indicating to us what we need to pay attention to when working, – said Ella Pamfilova



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