Thursday, July 31, 2014

Archbishop Gądecki: “Neutrality worldview”? The Constitution did not … – On 24

Archbishop Gądecki: "Neutrality worldview"? The Constitution did not … – On 24

“The principle of the ideological neutrality of the state apparently sounds very convincing. has, however, a serious drawback: it is impossible to meet. represents an empty declaration” – wrote the chairman of the Episcopal Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki in response to the words of the Minister of Education Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska on the declaration of faith teachers.

Mucha argued that the teacher is primarily responsible for implementation of the curriculum, and the school must be ideologically neutral. – You can not avoid certain topics, because it does not fit. A declaration of conscience presupposes that will teach only what he wants. Therefore, each parent has the right to settle the teacher, and if the content is concerned incompatible with the core curriculum, you can file with your concern to the governor – said the Minister.

Gądecki Archbishop stressed that the Constitution is no such thing as “neutrality worldview.” “It says instead of impartiality religious and ideological authority and state. Under this provision, state administration bodies to be impartial to the worldview of teachers, parents and children, and so they can not impose their own worldview” – said the priest.

In the opinion of the Archbishop Gądecki neutrality of the state is only an empty declaration. “Public authorities can not shirk because taking a position on matters of fundamental importance. If in matters of religious education, you have to be really impartial, it should not be at all these issues deal with (eg, prohibit or prescribe anything in this field) “- he said.

” If the state covers the entire process of legal protection human life or legalizes interrupt this life in arbitrarily defined by yourself time, economic or health or to any third party leaves the decision to the lives of others, it can not be called the impartiality of the legislator “- explained Archbishop Gądecki.

” Gazeta Wyborcza “

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He will return to the hospital to them. St. Family? The case of Professor Chazan in … – Polish Radio

He will return to the hospital to them. St. Family? The case of Professor Chazan in … – Polish Radio

  Prof. Bogdan Chazan , photo: TVN24/x-news

proxy prof. Chazan, Ms. George Kwasniewski said that “the termination of the employment contract refers to the results of the checks carried out at the request of the President of Warsaw, while this control even before its completion was the basis of a press conference, during which the announced termination of the contract.”

– This indicates that the control was not an important prerequisite for termination, the results did not matter to the mayor, the actual premise was the refusal to perform abortions, or beliefs professed by a professor – said Ms. Kwasniewski. He added that the Chazan is the director of the facility by the end of October, so if the process in this case przedłużyłby beyond this time, the application takes into account the request for reinstatement.

Prof. Chazan has received notice from work on July 21. – My belief, as I see preclude the exercise of my functions director of the hospital, but surely, and a range of other activities – said the doctor. He estimated that the punishment, which is undeserved met him, and the height of proportion.

Source: TVN24/x-news

As said Vice President of Warsaw Jacek Wojciechowicz , the basis for the decision to dismiss Chazan was a loss of confidence in him. – It’s not about belief, only about compliance with the law (…), the law applies to all – explained Wojciechowicz.

The intention to appeal the professor as director of the hospital in early July announced Mayor of Warsaw. The Director was not possible to give notice, because he was on vacation, which had just returned on July 21.

The basis for the decision became mayor of Warsaw City Hall control results in the hospital. St. Family. Chazan, invoking the conscience clause, the hospital refused to perform abortions, even though they were to the medical indications due to defects in the fetus. The report of the city office that acting as a director of the hospital, not being a doctor patient, in light of the applicable rules can not invoke the conscience clause, because it has an individual character. There has also pointed to the patient – what was required – another doctor or facility where you can perform the procedure. A woman gave birth to a child who died shortly after birth ŁO.

Source: TVP / x-news

Custom controls at St. Families also launched: NFZ, the Patient Ombudsman and national consultant in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. The investigation conducted at the request of the Minister of Health spokesman professional liability Polish Chamber of Physicians.

NHF penalty imposed on the hospital of approximately 70 thousand. zł. Handling the Patient Ombudsman is still going on in this control is also checked whether the child had a postnatal provided essential health benefits. The investigation in this case leads the Warsaw prosecutor’s office.

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Prosecution wants a longer detention for Fr. Wojciech G. – On the 24

Prosecution wants a longer detention for Fr. Wojciech G. – On the 24

Warsaw prosecutor’s office filed a court application for an extension of detention for Father Wojciech G. – gives Previously arrest cleric was extended to mid-August.

By TVN 24 prosecutors to the materials of the investigation joined the opinion in the field of sexology. There is also expertise Informatics confirming that the hard drive from the Dominican Republic is a copy of the binary disk of the computer of Father G. This means that it will be evidence in the case. The experts were able to recover deleted data from the media about pedophile.

Prosecutor’s Office in Warsaw presented the priest Wojciech G. at the beginning of the investigation four allegations of pedophilia. Three of them relate to the release by G. other sexual acts against minors under the age of 15 In addition, in one case, he was accused of sexual intercourse with a minor. The priest is also suspected of fixing pornographic content involving a minor.

Investigation of child sexual abuse by a priest G. Prosecutor’s Office conducted from September last year. Wojciech G. was on the Christian mission in the Dominican Republic.

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Read also



The conscience clause among teachers? “The secular state is not … – Polish Radio

The conscience clause among teachers? "The secular state is not … – Polish Radio

“Although most agree that the secular character of the state, as to the fact that the state should be secular in nature, however, some equate secularism with secularism, which calls for the closure of religion in the sphere of private life of the individual, which in practice means the active Atheisation. The principle of secularism should be understood only in this way that public authorities will not impose citizens profess a particular religion or ideology “- Archbishop Gądecki wrote in a statement published Thursday on the website of the episcopate.

” The secular state is therefore not the removal of crucifixes from public or religious schools, but rather on taking care of it, that there is no discrimination on grounds of belief “- said the prelate, who cites the words of the Minister of Education Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska that schools should be neutral worldview.

“If the teaching of religion in matters of state were to be truly impartial, it should not be at all these issues deal with, for example, prohibit or prescribe anything in this regard. However, this is impossible. Require different considerations organizational, financial, but primarily ideological, due to the wishes of “- notes Archbishop Gądecki.

In his opinion, when there is a conflict” between a well-formed conscience and the written laws of, the citizen is always right to conscientious objection. “‘A citizen is not obliged in conscience to observe the directives of civil authorities when they are contrary to the requirements of the moral order, to the fundamental rights of persons or the teachings of the Gospel” – wrote the chairman of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate, invoking on the records of the Catechism the Catholic Church.


 The prelate also called John Paul II’s encyclical, arguing that unjust laws put people morally upright in the face of the dramatic problems of conscience. “When they are required to cooperate (collaborate) in morally evil actions, they have a duty to refuse to participate in these activities,” – said in a statement. Archbishop Gądecki adds that the refusal is not only a moral obligation but also a basic human right, which is why it is a human right, it should be recognized and protected by civil law.

“School ideologically neutral”

Mucha said that a public school should be ideologically neutral. In this way, commented appearing on the internet appeals to teachers filed Declarations of Faith, which recognized the primacy of the law of God.

– I hope that this document will remain only in the realm of design. I hope it does not become a contribution to unleash some religious war in the Polish school – said the minister. It indicated that the public school in Poland under the Constitution and various other acts, including Law Teachers’ Charter, is to be ideologically neutral school.

– It’s easy to imagine a situation in which the declaration, which at the moment we are talking, their declarations will want to have representatives of other faiths, who are also teachers and work in Polish schools. At the end of this road can be quite considerable, serious religious war, in which children will be implicated. Completely can not imagine such a situation. I will do everything to Polish schools worldview neutrality was preserved – declared Mucha.

also warned that if the teacher will sign the declaration and will teach in accordance with the provisions of the latter, it should take into account the reaction of the director schools, the authority conducting and governor. – It breaks the constitution, which says that all citizens have the same rights and obligations, regardless of religion and belief and violates the provisions of the Charter of the Teacher – she added.

mr, PAP


Prosecution examines slapping Boni –

Prosecution examines slapping Boni –

investigators conduct the proceedings with Article 217 paragraph 1 of the Criminal Code. The offense is subject to private prosecution, but the prosecutor decided to prosecute taking this action out of the office. In his opinion the public interest so requires, which indicates the location of the crime – a public institution and the status of the persons involved.

In relation Michal Boni that after the MEP Janusz Korwin crowd-Mikke, this slapped him. “For a variety of things already apologized … just accept the attacks! But is the limit!” – Wrote on Twitter deputy PO.

President of the Congress of the New Right, Janusz Korwin-Mikke explained that it was a matter of the resolution unconstitutional in 1992, which he wrote and which required the disclosure of the then Head of the Interior Ministry agents of SB and UB in the ranks of the then parliament. – This list was Michał Boni, challenged me on TV for the past, naobrażał, said that you have to be an idiot to accuse him of agenturalność, then admitted, however, that he was an agent. I have never deigned to apologize. – Explained Korwin-Mikke.


46 thousand. per month. Yes earn bailiffs – naTemat

46 thousand. per month. Yes earn bailiffs – naTemat

Data Institute of Justice shows that in 2012 the average monthly income of the bailiff was 46 thousand Fig. Cezary Aszkiełowicz / Agency Newspaper

Debt collectors are not the best press, and therefore often associated primarily with evictions, tears and quarrels. Jobs bailiff has, however, and a good website. – In 2012, the average monthly income of the bailiff was 46 thousand – wrote “The Republic”, referring to the report of the Institute of Justice.

From the findings of the Institute of Justice, which refers to “Rzeczpospolita”, shows that only eight of the 238 hunting grounds bailiff average monthly income does not exceed the amount of salary of a judge of the Supreme Court.

– In all other areas of bailiffs obtain an income higher, often several, or even dozens of times, sometimes despite the very low efficiency of their work – noted “Rzeczpospolita”.

Institute of Justice report was made commissioned by the Ministry of Justice. Created in connection with the fact that MPs PO submitted to the Sejm a draft new law on judicial officers. The authors of the project they want to include reduce the amount of fees debt collectors.

project like the National Council of Bailiffs. Its president – Raphael Fronczek – stressed that the idea of ​​Members may bring a number of law firms to collapse, because in the last two years the impact of issues bailiff fell and the number of law firms has increased, which has worsened the financial situation of many of them.

source: “The Republic”


Wednesday, July 30, 2014

Set fire to the house with the family for damages? Court extends detention – On 24

Set fire to the house with the family for damages? Court extends detention – On 24

As reported by TVN 24 Katowice Court of Appeal upheld the decision would arrest arson suspect in the home in the Hawk-Zdroj, in a fire which killed the accused and their four children. Dariusz P. also has a hit on mental observation for a period of 1 month.

observation is to determine whether arson at the apartment the man was sane, and this in turn will be the basis for imposing any judgment . Previously, experts have pointed out that they are not able to rule on the sanity of Darius P. under observation in an outpatient setting.

The incident took place in May 2013 on suspicion of Darius P., leading to his arrest, died in March 2014, the Prosecutor’s Office accused him of the murder of five people, and the attempted murder of six – eldest son.

“We must also remember that the procedure is in progress and in the course of a prolonged procedure will be carried out one of the powerful evidence – evidence of forensic-psychiatric, where forensic psychiatrists will be able to make full comment on the sanity suspect at the time of the offense. Given this evidence (…) it is necessary to further the use of detention of the suspect “- said the judge Ziaja – the more, as he said, that did not stop the conditions that continue to apply the precautionary measure.

Regardless of the trial, the prosecution is certain that it was Darius P. set fire to the house where she slept, his wife and children. As the theme mentions the desire to obtain money from insurance that P. bought the family shortly before the tragedy. According to the media, he ran a factory producing furniture, was heavily in debt.

Without a doubt proven that the apartment certainly has been set on fire, and the accident was not a coincidence. The expert in the field of Fire said that the fire appeared in the house at six locations almost simultaneously. Blinds were drawn and locked in such a way that they can not be opened. At home there was no sign of forced entry. In another opinion of experts who have studied your login suspect that P. – contrary to his assertions – at the time the fire was near the house. He later admitted that he hindered the investigation and sent a text messages threatening providing that allegedly arsonist was someone else.

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