Thursday, July 31, 2014

Archbishop Gądecki: “Neutrality worldview”? The Constitution did not … – On 24

Archbishop Gądecki: "Neutrality worldview"? The Constitution did not … – On 24

“The principle of the ideological neutrality of the state apparently sounds very convincing. has, however, a serious drawback: it is impossible to meet. represents an empty declaration” – wrote the chairman of the Episcopal Archbishop Stanislaw Gądecki in response to the words of the Minister of Education Joanna Kluzik-Rostkowska on the declaration of faith teachers.

Mucha argued that the teacher is primarily responsible for implementation of the curriculum, and the school must be ideologically neutral. – You can not avoid certain topics, because it does not fit. A declaration of conscience presupposes that will teach only what he wants. Therefore, each parent has the right to settle the teacher, and if the content is concerned incompatible with the core curriculum, you can file with your concern to the governor – said the Minister.

Gądecki Archbishop stressed that the Constitution is no such thing as “neutrality worldview.” “It says instead of impartiality religious and ideological authority and state. Under this provision, state administration bodies to be impartial to the worldview of teachers, parents and children, and so they can not impose their own worldview” – said the priest.

In the opinion of the Archbishop Gądecki neutrality of the state is only an empty declaration. “Public authorities can not shirk because taking a position on matters of fundamental importance. If in matters of religious education, you have to be really impartial, it should not be at all these issues deal with (eg, prohibit or prescribe anything in this field) “- he said.

” If the state covers the entire process of legal protection human life or legalizes interrupt this life in arbitrarily defined by yourself time, economic or health or to any third party leaves the decision to the lives of others, it can not be called the impartiality of the legislator “- explained Archbishop Gądecki.

” Gazeta Wyborcza “

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