Monday, July 21, 2014

Warsaw: prof. Chazan has received notice from the Town Hall – Polish Radio

  Prof. Bogdan Chazan , photo: TVN24/x-news

Chazan on Monday arrived at work after the holiday. Just because the director leave the town hall before he could not give a decision on the appeal from the position.

The document has been Professor of City Hall served personally. Released director of the hospital of St. Families signed received notice.

– The notice period is three months, but the Professor. Chazan is exempt from the obligation to work – said a spokesman for the municipal capital Bartosz Milczarczyk.

of its intention to appeal Chazan as director of the hospital in early July announced the President of Warsaw, Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz.

Monday Director of the Hospital of St morning. Families said that in the afternoon to meet with the Vice President of Warsaw Jacek Wojciechowicz.
– formal procedure has been exhausted. Meeting with President Wojciechowicz will be an opportunity to talk to the employer with the employee, thanks for the work of prof. Chazan – Milczarczyk said.

TVP / x-news

The basis for the decision of the President of Warsaw became the results of the inspection of the town hall in the hospital. St. Family. Chazan invoking the conscience clause in the hospital refused to perform abortions, even though they were to the medical indications due to defects in the fetus. There has also pointed to the patient – what the rules require it – another doctor or facility where you can perform the procedure.
Chazan did not want to betray what has plans after receiving the decision on removal of the Director of the Hospital of St. Family. – Advocate of professional responsibility, which also dealt with the case, took the floor several times in speeches and media said that among the penalties which threaten me, is also from the right to exercise the profession – Chazan said, when asked whether the decision to dismiss the position of director of the hospital is going to be in the profession and practice as a doctor.
own checks at the Hospital of St. Families also launched: NFZ, the Patient Ombudsman and national consultant in the field of gynecology and obstetrics. The investigation conducted at the request of the Minister of Health spokesman professional liability Polish Chamber of Physicians.

Minister of Health: Encyclical at home, at work encyclopedia >>>
NHF penalty imposed on the hospital of approximately 70 thousand. zł. Proceedings of the MPC is still going on in this control is checked whether the child has at birth provided the necessary health benefits.
Investigation of this case leads the Warsaw prosecutor’s office.

PAP, bk

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