Sunday, April 26, 2015

Because of the scandalous dance in Novorossiysk WWII memorial “Small Earth” installed video surveillance – Peter TV


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Internet blew up another controversial video clip in which five girls dancing erotic dance against the backdrop of the memorial “Small Land” in Novorossiysk. Singer received 10 to 15 days in jail. And at the memorial installed video surveillance.

Another incident with dancing girls, became an occasion to increase the amount of protection and installation of video surveillance in view of WWII memorial “Little Earth” in Novorossiysk .

On the scandalous escapade five girls, the authorities reacted promptly Novorossiysk. Now the order about the memorial will watch a video camera and reinforced police.

Recall that five girls performed a dance at the memorial museum “Little Earth”, at the request of the Prosecutor’s Office of Krasnodar Region, have been brought to administrative responsibility. Choreographer group received 15 days in jail and two of her friends – 10 days. Two other girls because of health problems have received a penalty – a thousand rubles. With regard to the parents of another member – underage schoolgirl instituted administrative proceedings, on non-parents of minors responsibilities for the maintenance and education. According to the commission’s decision, the family can put on preventive account.

The scandalous video was filmed and posted online girls to attract a new audience to the dance studio, parents aware they have not put.

Memorial “Little Earth” is the place where in the period from February 4 to February 16, 1943 the Soviet Army to keep the defense of Novorossiysk on the German troops.

Video: YouTube Video news

See also



Sport Express


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