Sunday, April 26, 2015

Putin: The purpose of Western sanctions – to restrain the development of Russia – Slavyanka info

Domestic leader Vladimir Putin described the purpose of the sanctions imposed by the West (the United States and the European Union) in respect of the Russian Federation, trying to keep the active development of Russia.

It is reported with reference to

«Such attempts we see throughout Russian history, dating back to imperial times».

«« This is how the head of state described the behavior of Western countries, “… when we all this, all this to say, when we say that we are threatened, for example, NATO’s eastward expansion, the approach of the military infrastructure to our borders, then there is a desire to oppose us. ” He stressed that Russia is trying to deter known for centuries politics. Nothing new here.

In addition, Putin said that presents itself is the position of head of state. This he said in comments in the film called “The President».

To count on a radical change in the attitude of the West towards Russia after the fall of the communist regime did not make sense, since all countries have their own geopolitical interests, unrelated the ideology, the president of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin.

Let us recall, the reason for the introduction of anti-Russian sanctions became Russia’s position in Ukraine and, in particular, Crimea, which signed up to the Russian Federation.

Putin argues that sanctions - an attempt to hold back the development of Russia


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