Thursday, April 23, 2015

Fallen on the Plesetsk rocket launched concern “Almaz-Antey” – Russian newspaper

The rocket, which crashed on Wednesday afternoon not far from the Plesetsk cosmodrome, carried Concern PVO “Almaz-Antey”.

– The cosmodrome experimental work to assess the handling characteristics of the modernized missile system “Antey-2500″ for future export sales – quoted by Tass spokesman concern.

As it turned out, the initial part of the trajectory of the velocity vector of the missile deviated from the set limitations on the security sector, as a result of self-destruction program was launched. Thus the representative of the group said that the task Start Run and test cycle will continue.

Let us recall the incident occurred on April 22 around 11 am. Experimental solid-rocket hit the ground, flying about 10 kilometers after the start – she went trajectory and fell to the security zone of the cosmodrome in the village Zabolote Kholmogorsky area.

According to the presidential press secretary Dmitry Peskov, Putin informed about the incident.

– Place the fall is far away from populated areas, the threat is not rocket – rassskazal “RG” the spokesperson of the Arkhangelsk Regional Rescue Service Igor Grigoriev.

No explosion or at the site of the fire was not. The total weight of the rocket was about 9.6 tons of separating a part of the rocket – empty blank with instrumentation.

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