Saturday, August 2, 2014

Companies refuse to hanging new posters PiS. “Business is afraid” – On the 24

Companies refuse to hanging new posters PiS. "Business is afraid" – On the 24

– This phrase captures what happens in Poland – argued on TVN24 Janusz Wojciechowski of Law and Justice. He referred the same to the new slogan of the Law and Justice starts the campaign for the forthcoming local elections. – Nothing better could happen to us than a password that does not fit the local elections – said Jacek Protasiewicz turn of the PO.

slogan “To live better. SITWIE!” PiS starts campaign for local elections.

largest Polish cities had to hang billboards with images of Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Foreign Minister Radoslaw Sikorski, Minister of Regional Development Elżbieta Bieńkowska and Interior Minister Bartholomew Sienkiewicz, and the photographs were to be placed paraphrased election slogan PO: “To live better. SITWIE “. Below – the word “tapes and the bills do not lie.”

– This is the password truly reflects what is happening in Poland. We are dealing with sitwiarską Polish – argued Janusz Wojciechowski of Law and Justice.

Some companies administering surface to exposure posters refuse to cooperate, questioning the word “old-boy network.” – Created mechanisms are links between politics, power and business. A business is afraid of power. Because government has many tools that can be used against business – says Wojciechowski.

– I do not feel like a member of sitwy – Jacek Protasiewicz answered the OP. He recalled the campaign of the opposition party in 2007, when politicians were predicting a “battle of the system.”

– then were punished by the Poles. They will be punished and now. Nothing better could happen to us than a password that does not fit the local elections – considered Protasiewicz. According to him, the local elections people are not interested in big politics, but what is happening in the immediate vicinity. – Mr. represents Poland subjectively wronged. The one who believes in the system and the old-boy network. And this vote for PiS. – Said to Wisniewski PO politician.

– I understand social engineering, which cultivates the PiS. Because he wants to capitalize on it pisses society, which is associated with tape scandal – said Marek Siwiec from your traffic. – But it’s a hideous treatment, which escapes from the essence of local elections – he added. – The next elections will be disrupted according to the scheme of “who is worse” – rating.


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