Brown pits are afraid of the people of the five regions of the country: Lubusz, Lodz Lower Silesia and Wielkopolska Kujaw. At risk are also areas on the German side of the border. First in line is cast, however, Lubusz frontier with Germany in the municipalities of Brody and Gubin.
Residents: I am afraid. It scares me
Mieczyslaw Wolak of 20 years is the mayor Czarnowic Gubin. – It scares me. I defend the land that gave birth to so many one thousand years. So I was brought up from an early age that I wanted to give birth on. It will be of greater benefit than that of mine. Outcrop is very short, and then be out of the lunar terrain – he says.
I do not believe that will work, I promise state-owned companies. – I’m afraid the fumes, dust and disease. That we breathe the sulfur. The dust under his breath, and that water will not. I was at a friend in Germany. Before you came to mine, hand plunged the bucket in the well and the water took on. Now down to 39 m dug for water and still hard.
outcrop known as Eugene Swiderski. Lives in Strzegowo. – The straight line separates me 3 km from the German pit. Are killing me sandstorms. Window wash twice a week. The door will not open. Everywhere dust, squeak machines. Life at the mine is a terrible thing – he argues.
Greenpeace: Artificial forest does not replace the destroyed wildlife
Over the Neisse underground is 1.6 billion tons of lignite. The concession for the mining tries to PGE Gubin, a subsidiary of the state-owned, which produces 40 percent. energy in Poland. PGE would in outcrop and power plant with a capacity of 1.8 thousand. MW invest 20 billion zł – two times more than in Opole power plant units. Recently, the government of Brandenburg decided that the open pit coal will continue.
– No reclamation and planting material can not replace the destroyed forest wildlife. First of all, there is a huge risk of dry lakes Brody and the destruction of the local Natura 2000 with ecosystems vulnerable to water shortages. This could lead to the extinction of endangered species, such as. Tailed eagle. Analogous threat will affect the nature reserve Uroczysko Węgliński, which threatens starodrzewom drying due to the proximity of the edge of the pit. Completely destroyed will legally protected ecological areas and several monuments of nature, including oaks, plane trees and yew – says Katarzyna lump, a spokeswoman for Greenpeace Poland, the main organizer of the action.
Environmentalists also worry about historical parks in the Surface, Jasienicy and Luboszycach, to be included in a future excavation or dumping ground. – We also wonder how the company intends to reconstruct the portion of the Protected Landscape Area Western Area Lubska – Greenpeace spokeswoman added. There is no doubt that the action Chain People STOP explorer is very important. – The voice of residents Gubin and Brody, who in 2009. Voted in a referendum against the investment was too long ignored. It will be hard to ignore it when hand in hand stood thousands of people from more than 20 countries, which are not agreeing on the social and environmental disaster. In the twenty-first century., We produce energy in a friendly people and the environment by using renewable energy sources – says lump.
Supporters of the mine: We riches
verbal skirmishes took place during a press conference of ecologists. Supporters of investments also wanted to demonstrate their presence. They count on work and money for the municipality. Richard Kościesza lives in Jaromirowicach. He is vice-president of support outcrop of the Association for the Development of Gubińskiej.
– International environmental organizations have organized fun for a lot of money. Such actions only exacerbate economic stagnation of our country. Environmentalists are not prepared for the alternative development of our community. They offer poverty and stagnation. We want energy complex, through which we hope to not only the wealth of the municipality, but also its inhabitants – explains Kościesza.
This view is Piotr Zwolinski, activist PPS Gubin. – This whole chain is just a show for the media. Greenpeace unnecessarily scare people. The complex, which will be built, on their feet the entire municipality. Give very good wages and jobs. Sam now earn thousand gold and some change. Half Gubin is abroad. The ruined village enjoying enormous empty. Region needs investment. There are no roads, not everyone has water, sewer not to mention about. There is nothing. Completely. It is so poor that it’s scary – justifies.
“They want to do here other Rospuda”
The protest also criticizes Thomas Stojewski, who heads the association prokopalnianego Together Let’s change the Municipality Brody. He goes along protesters and convinces them that they are on the wrong side of the barricade. Annoyed him especially people from outside the region. – Easily resident Poznan to come for one day and say that he wants to defend nature. Except that he already has these investments, and we are only at the beginning of the road. This action has the impression that the people are opposed to plans PGE. It’s bullshit. Greenpeace has its own vision of reality, and we are his. Environmentalists want to do here other Rospuda, but as they leave, we’ll be problems. For now, here is apathy. There is no work. People flee. Those who are, are faced with the problem of social orphanhood. Children do not have a normal childhood because their parents go make a living, but Greenpeace does not care – angry man.
In his arguments do not agree Iza. Protesters boarded a bus in Zielona Góra. He lives in the countryside outside the city. – I love nature and animals. I work as a graphic artist to earn money to support my “furry charges” – he says. He talks about the seven emaciated horses rescued from slaughterhouses which, five dogs and several cats. – People as a species can do much harm. Friends laugh that went up the chains to chain. This is not so. I’m going to sympathize with those who are fighting for the environment and the common future. It is easy to degrade the environment. I do not want future generations to have lost that which is priceless, and only watched deer in the zoo – he explains.
Farmer: He escapes who can
Locals while also uncertain fate deters investment. – Agency does not sell the land. Does not extend leases to us. All the planning mine. Holding barely persist. People do not have to live on. Whose fault is it? Nobody tells us the truth – complains the farmer Miroslaw Blaszczyk. Lives in Sadzarzewicach. It was here that he began to form a chain on the Polish side. Mr. Miroslaw watched him with his grandson. He’s tired. Like its neighbors. – Who can, this here is running out. Young already there is practically no. Because why. Any work or prospects – he adds.
The decision is not yet
PGE itself admits that the fate of mine are uncertain. – Decision on the implementation of this investment will be made in the next few years. Much will depend on the macroeconomic situation and the shape of the climate and energy policy Polish and European Union, which will decide on the cost-effectiveness of the use of coal in power – confirms Maciej Szczepaniuk, a spokesman for the group, PGE SA.
According to the law, to PGE got the mining license, consent is required for the local community. – I’m sure we will not do anything contrary to the will of the people. However, social studies, which for several years we have been in the region shows that a large part of them supports our investment plans – explains Szczepaniuk.
Despite his conviction pits proponents do not plan to re referendum. Of the organization does not comment the same concern. PGE also do not want to comment on the demonstration. – I do not want to talk at the level of emotions and events of pop culture. Everyone has the right to demonstrate on their beliefs. We will not play on emotions. We prefer to talk about the arguments – says Szczepaniuk.

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