Judgment life imprisonment for the murder 15 years ago can be the wrong person – established the Public Prosecutor’s Office in Olsztyn. I recently confessed to murder someone else. Probably also erroneously determined the identity of the corpse. This is a precedent in the country – give investigators.
According to the district prosecutor of the prosecutor’s office Olsztyn-South Arkadiusz Szwedowski, 15 years ago might have enough to erroneous findings in explaining the murder. – Due collected by us recently materials due to the high probability that many years ago have been incorrectly identity of the body, but about the murder accused and sentenced for no man who is not admitted to this. Now we have another person who says that she then killed – said Szwedowski.
He added that in the coming days will send superiors of the district attorney’s office a copy of the file maintained by the investigative proceedings. Will send a letter in which superiors ask you to consider whether you should not resume already validly terminated the proceedings.
District Attorney in Olsztyn Janusz Przybyłek who knows about the case and waiting for documents from the prosecutor’s office Olsztyn-South, did not rule out that transmit them to the Regional Prosecutor’s Office in Bialystok. It was she who years ago led the investigation, which now appeared new circumstances.
– The procedures are such that the resumption of proceedings, the court may request that the prosecutor’s office, which was hosted terminated the proceedings. What are the next scenarios that matter – I do not know of such a case has not been reported – said Przybyłek.
Letter from the burglar
Case Olsztyn prosecutors began with a letter that in November last year wrote to the Prosecutor’s Office Olsztyn-South arrested for burglary Wieslaw S. The man said that he wants to share “relevant information concerning serious crime”. In an interview with investigators Wieslaw S. referred to the case in 1999 – related to the fish-out lake Pluszne near Olsztyn dismembered and packed into bags corpses.
What are the next scenarios that matter – I do not know of such a case has not reported District Attorney in Olsztyn Janusz Przybyłek
The investigation – conducted the first by the prosecution Olsztyn, followed by the prosecution in Białystok – indicated that the remains belonged to Suwalki associated with the criminal world of Thomas S. courts examining this issue agreed, inter alia, that Thomas S. was imprisoned before his death in metal cage and tortured.
The brutal murder accused Jack W., who was for this sentenced to life imprisonment.
Jacek W. did not admit to this act, and consequently appealed the conviction. His life sentence has become final until November 2006., When uttered in his case the Supreme Court.
Frame and body
When in recent months Olsztyn prosecutors began to verify the information provided to them by Wieslaw S., first found the cage, which was to be held Tomasz S. (years ago it was not found), and then as indicated by Wieslaw S . place in the woods near Olsztyn unearthed delay.
– The key issue was to establish the identity of the corpse. Commissioned a study into DNA and fingerprint tests. With high probability expertise has demonstrated that it is now found Thomas S. Additionally, Wieslaw S. admitted to us that he was killed in 1999, Thomas S. We presented him so allegation of murder, and the court go for it temporarily arrested – said the prosecutor Szwedowski.
The prosecutor admitted that years ago Wieslaw S. was tried along with Jack W. ws. Murder of Thomas S. The court then ruled that he was insane and sent him for treatment in a psychiatric institution, which after a few years Wieslaw S. came out and began to commit further offenses.
At this stage of the case do not know, whose body was recovered in 1999 from the lake Pluszne nor who and why then killed the man.
The court had no doubt
Jacek W., who is serving a life sentence for the murder of Thomas S., never to this act is not admitted, and his immediate family over the years raised in the media that in this case there was confusion prosecutors and experts. The court sentenced him to life imprisonment, but pointed out that it is a demoralized person who “no longer subjected to any rehabilitation”, stressed repeatedly that W. previously went to prison.
In a case where the trial court was Mr W. had, inter alia, opinion of DNA tests, which indicated that the remains found belonged to Thomas S.
Error Attorney
District Attorney in Olsztyn Janusz Przybyłek not want to answer the question of whether leading the first steps in this case the prosecutor made a mistake. – The host of the proceedings was the prosecutor’s office in Białystok and it to her, and not to subordinate prosecutor me now, you had to take a substantive decision on the matter – said Przybyłek.
Prosecutor, who has acted in this case the decisions were investigators, who then led the murder of Krzysztof Olewnik. It is now one of the heads of departments in the Prosecutor’s Office in Olsztyn.
Szwedowski and Przybyłek with stressed that this issue is extremely complicated, convoluted, like in Poland reported. For this reason, prosecutors stressed that it is difficult now to describe it further scenarios.
From the subsequent decision process in this case will depend on whether Jacek W. comes out of prison and possibly receive compensation for the years he spent behind bars.
– Too early for such variations. Surely you must realize further explain – emphasized Szwedowski and Przybyłek. – This case is a precedent in the country – they added.

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