vintage photo of Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz and Isabella Olchowicz-Marcinkiewicz , photo:
the newspaper says, “the couple is already divorced. A Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz declined tabloid oblivion. – Maybe like once again snatched a young chick, toby could somehow reheat – reflects one of the most famous paparazzi in Poland. “
Weekly reminds the entire history of relationship Kazimierz Marcinkiewicz and Isabella. “At the beginning of September 2009, the former Prime Minister and former conservative politician took the secret marriage of 20 years younger partner. To keep the relationship a secret, the wedding took place at the consulate in Berlin, accompanied by only two witnesses. Unfortunately, the bride and groom someone turned out to be disloyal. The ceremony announced the first “Super Express” “.
A pair for several weeks not descended from the first pages of the tabloids and colorful newspapers.
Marcinkiewicz for years acted in the right-wing parties. On behalf of the Christian-National Union sat on the position of Deputy Minister of Education in the government Suchocka. Wikipedia notes that, as a deputy minister opposed the introduction of sex education into the curriculum.
He was associated with the Catholic communities. In 1995-1998 he was a member of the Diocesan Pastoral Council. He also served as chairman of the Association of Catholic Schools. He was active in the Association of Catholic Journalists and the Association of Catholic Families.
The head of government is the PiS won the elections in 2005. Less than a year later left office. After the defeat in the elections for the office of mayor of Warsaw moved to London, where he was employed with the European Bank for Reconstruction and Development. In the UK, he met his new wife.
first wife, Maria, with whom he divorced in 2009, has four children.

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