Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Increases for members of election commissions. NEC is looking for … – Poland The Times

Increases for members of election commissions. NEC is looking for … – Poland The Times

Wage increases National Electoral Commission encouraged to work at the upcoming local government elections. Diet for a job in the electoral commission will increase from 135 to 300 zł, and its chairman instead of 165 zł 380 zł receive them. Much more will earn a commission staff territorial – 550 zł instead of 200 zł provided for their members, 650 zł instead of 245 zł for presidents and 600 zł instead of 225 zł for their deputies.

– Previous salary was not encouraging to say the least – said Kazimierz Czaplicki Secretary of NEC. I explained that the amount of salary people sitting at the polling stations did not change for eight years. He also expressed hope that this change will improve turnout in the recruitment process.

By Czaplicki local elections is a big burden for the electoral commissions. Voters elect councilors both municipal, county, provincial regional council and the mayor, president or mayor of the city. Receive up to four ballots, which requires the preparation of at least four voting protocols. In addition, in November for the first time in single-member districts will be elections to councils of all municipalities – not only the smallest, so far. Therefore, the number of councilors of the municipality directly translate into the number of constituencies. In one polling station can thus meet voters in different constituencies.

PiS politicians expect a completely other changes. The party presented in the Parliament draft amendments to the Code election. It proposes a new way of governing the composition of the National Electoral Commission, the introduction of the term of office for some members of the NEC and the possibilities of sound and film recording election procedures.

Deputy Gregory Schreiber applicant claims that the proposals to improve the electoral process. – Greater transparency is more likely that we will have to deal with the democratic and proper conduct of the election – highlights and explains that the proposals contained in the draft is the result of observations made during the May elections for the European Parliament.

At the NEC’s nine judges, which indicate the Constitutional Court, Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court. Law and Justice wants to six of them invoked the president at the request of all parliamentary clubs. Their term of office would have a maximum duration of four years and end on the expiry of 150 days from parliamentary elections. According to the Law and Justice in the lower levels of the electoral commissions should be able to sit as representatives of the major political parties. Now, membership in the NEC expires mainly in the case of resignation, death, completion of 70 years or appeal at the request of the President of the Tribunal, the Supreme Court and the Supreme Administrative Court, before recommending a particular candidate.

In turn, the proposal sound and film recording election procedures PiS MPs justify the necessity of documenting any irregularities. – Document the steps in this way official, formal and official will limit any potential irregularities and ensure a more reliable examination of election protests by introducing the possibility of collecting valuable evidence – explained in the explanatory memorandum to the draft.

PiS also wants to introduce a more transparent urns and guarantees even greater secrecy of the vote. According to the proposed members of the electoral commissions should be treated as civil servants, so that they could be involved in the election campaign (excluding the area of ​​the polling station and during the performance of their official functions).

The draft amendment was already announced during the May elections to the European Parliament. Jaroslaw Kaczynski recalled when, inter alia, about the alarmingly high number of invalid votes in some municipalities and the need to act according to the principle of limited trust.

O allegations “of one of the parties” to the NEC said on Thursday Stefan Jaworski, President of NEC. – Accused us that we did not adequately secure the integrity of elections, resulting in massive falsification of election results – he noted. – Said of the Ruthenian servers, Moscow training, called us geriatryków committee, introduced the so-called. alternative counting of votes, voting protocols photographed in the circuit – enumerated. In his view, similar allegations are completely incomprehensible, because in 20 years there were with us invalidity of any elections or referendums.


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