Tuesday, August 12, 2014

Storms passed over the Polish. They left broken trees, flooded … – Gazeta.pl

Storms passed over the Polish. They left broken trees, flooded … – Gazeta.pl

- This past day firefighters intervened 708 times. Most of shares – 360 – were related to removing the effects of heavy rainfall. Streets, basements, tunnels flooded, among others, in Warsaw and Krakow – spokesman Chief of the National Fire Brigade spokesman PSP.

province. Silesian 9 buildings without roofs

– In the capital itself, firefighters conducted a total of approx. 100 shares. Some of them consisted in the removal of trees broken by wind, water, among others, also wypompowywaliśmy from the streets. The worst was in the city center, on the Prague-East, Targowek and Zoliborz – reported Frątczak.

In Krakow broken tree fell on passing a street car. Two children were injured. During the storm passing over the town was also flooded the domestic airport terminal John Paul II Balice. – Departures were transferred to the international terminal – added Frątczak. The difficult situation was also in the districts of Auschwitz and Gorlice.

In turn, in the province. Silesian strong winds damaged or tore roofs on nine buildings. The worst was in Mzurów located in the municipality of Niegowa. – It has been five damaged roofs in residential buildings and one outbuilding. All have been temporarily foiled by firefighters – said the duty of the Provincial Crisis Management Center in Katowice. There were no people injured. The whole region around the fire department reported. 120 interventions related to removing the effects of adverse weather phenomena.

How to behave during a storm

The storms also passed over the Lublin region, but – fortunately – not causing major losses. Throughout the night there were also quite strong rainfall. In the morning there was a fatal accident.

Car BMW near the railway crossing hit the pole. Died on the spot approx. 30-year-old man, three other people were injured, including two seriously. All were taken to the hospital. Because of the rain it was slippery, it could lead to tragedy.

Firefighters still appealing to the storms and storms aware of basic safety rules. – Let’s delete pots of window sills and balconies. If you leave the house, closed the windows and doors. If a storm starts when we are on the road, do not bury under the trees, shelters or columns, only in the building. If you go by car, stop for a roadside or better in the parking lot and wait out – like a Frątczak.

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