Saturday, August 2, 2014

Law and Justice had to change the poster. “Slander” and “censorship”? – The Republic

Law and Justice had to change the poster. "Slander" and "censorship"? – The Republic

As announced a “Rom”, Jaroslaw Kaczynski, Law and Justice today unveiled a poster for a band affair. According to the party has been censored. “Romans” arrived to justify the company, which has raised objections

As we revealed today on the website of “Rzeczpospolita”, PiS is moving from a summer offensive in the goings on tape. He showed a poster, which will use the campaign targeted at residents of the largest Polish cities. – It’s another edition of our actions. We want to use vacation, because this time in politics dead. We are planning a big poster campaign in major cities. He has to maintain the tape scandal, which slowly is sticking – explained to us the caller of the PiS government. Read more

The so-called. citylights (which in Polish cities will hang over 1000) referred to the billboard PO 2007, in which the then opposition has used the slogan: “To live better. everyone.” In the version of Law and Justice at the end there is the word “old-boy network.” Appearance Poster raised objections at the outdoor. After a dispute as to its issue, stood in the fact that instead of “sitwy” will “power”.

– otherwise we would have lost money – explained at a press conference Kaczynski.

From the information ” Romans’, that the objection to the poster had AMS SA, related to Agora – the publisher of “Gazeta Wyborcza”. – The campaign officially started and this time we do not want her to comment – informed us Monika Oleksińska with AMS. She sent us to the payer.

According to our information, the company clapped the opinion of its legal counsel. He had several legal objections. In his opinion, meet the conditions for “slander of the Criminal Code against people switched to the picture (Article 212 of the Penal Code”), violated the “personal goods in the pictures (Articles 23 and 24 of the Civil Code).” He also pointed out that the slogan “time for change” means that this election poster, a “campaign has not yet started.” He argued also that the poster violates the “code of ethics of advertising (Article 12).”

Finally, a compromise was agreed, and the PiS will promote the publicity of the original message on the Internet.

Kaczynski criticized . The conference suggested that the company’s decision stand rulers who “are on your point oversensitive”. – They must be treated with gloves on, and they can pound club – he said, referring to the negative campaign that applied AFTER. – In Poland, are beginning to be used in the method of the Eastern type. (…) March east – rated.

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