Saturday, August 2, 2014

Lemański priest at Woodstock: “whatever you want” is ethical principle – Weekly General

Lemański priest at Woodstock: "whatever you want" is ethical principle – Weekly General

Hundreds of thousands of young Poles playing Thursday at the 20th anniversary Woodstock. Kostrzyń Festival is not just music. On a giant field in Lubuskie participants will also include: Krishna’s Village of Peace, Stop Jesus, the Academy of Fine Gorgeous. The latter has grown so much that it’s safe to call it a festival to festival.

One of the key attractions tent located on a top of a small hill Kostrzyn are meeting with invited guests by George Schools. Among them this year include: Boguslaw Linda, Maria Czubaszek and Agnieszka Holland.

Jerzy Owsiak ASP also invites priests. In previous years, hosted, among others, Bishop Joseph Życiński, last year, Fr. Adam Boniecki, including – Fr. Wojciech Lemanski, a former parish priest in Jasienicy.

At a meeting with a priest there were no crowds, but among students also found themselves among others: Magdalena Wednesday and Agnieszka Holland.

– Not afraid priest occur at Woodstock? – Started running Anna Wacławik-Orpik TOK FM. – Hardly what I am afraid. The more I feared the meeting of the Conference of the Polish Episcopate than Woodstock. Jesus would accept an invitation from the Schools – replied Fr. Lemanski.

Leading alluded to last year’s meeting in the same place with Fr. Adam Bonieckim. – Do you tell the priest that young people “do whatever you want”?

– This is a key ethical principle . Of course I speak, because these words are addressed to those who are guided by love and freedom. Freedom is a value that belongs to every human being. Connects with dignity. We can not trample only because we believe that we are right. Such thinking is a symptom of pride. If there is one man who says: “The Church does not interest me”, you can not tell him that he is wrong and it is good for him.

One of the participants asked Fr. Lemański to comment on the professor. Chazan.

– Anyone who talks to people, mothers of sick children, then will not speak nonsense about that suffering ennobles – argued cleric.

meeting with the priest took place on the anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising, fell So the question about the Warsaw Uprising. Ks. Lemanski – Goodness is the life and dignity of someone you love. I am not a historian and I have no knowledge infused in advance for all subjects. I do not know whether it is good that the Warsaw Uprising broke out, but I know that if I was there, I include the defending individual districts or buildings. There, where a man puts his life, the courts are not allowed to speak. Mi is a shame all the innocent people: Jews, which were taken away, the inhabitants of Wola, which was killed, though they did not have grenades in hand.

One of the last questions was: why the ASP does not have priests and evangelists of Jesus Bus Stop. – The Church is reluctant Przystankowi Woodstock with envy. Owsiak goes what they fail for years. Jesus would accept an invitation to Woodstock – said Fr. Lemanski.

Academy of Fine Gorgeous Guests do not have an easy life. Here are the rules for the conversation other than the classic TV studio. In the past year there has been an unexpected incident, one of the participants burst onto the scene and began to tug Gregory Miecugow, leading from Woodstock Glass Contact. – Do not change our principles. We will not isolate ourselves from our guests participants barriers. Strengthen security, but still the idea is that we are here together – says Jerzy Owsiak.

During the meeting Magdalena Wednesday one of the participants shared his story: – It is sad that in this country there is no freedom and liberty. We want to get married with my boyfriend. We talk about it openly because we want to break the taboo.

got applause.

Among the requests to the guests found even one. – My mom listens to a priest and admires. I think it would be extremely happy if the priest prayed for her – said one of the participants in a discussion with Fr. Lemanski. – So be it! – Replied the priest.


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