Friday, August 15, 2014

Long weekend. From Krakow to Zakopane in four hours –

Long weekend. From Krakow to Zakopane in four hours –

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In long August weekend many tourists decided to rest in the Tatra Mountains. Already in the night from Thursday to Friday traffic was Zakopianka disputes. In the morning tour began cork. To improve traffic at critical intersections, which are usually stopped by the drivers, turned off the light. In many places, police appeared with the traffic police who tried to ride proceeded smoothly as possible.

Unfortunately, in the morning and at noon on Zakopianka formed huge traffic jams. How about hours. 13 gave portal (a service that continuously updates the arrival times at the Podhale), beat the classic version of the route, ie, Krakow – Rabka-Zdroj – New Market – Zakopane, took in 230 minutes (nearly four hours). For comparison, travel time on the same route, but in the other direction was 109 minutes.

The most gridlocked were Tenczyn exit the road single carriageway, junction Skomielna White and the bridge on the White Dunajec.

In the afternoon, the situation has improved significantly. After hours. 17 travel from Krakow to Zakopane, Nowy Targ held by only 92 minutes.


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