Friday, August 15, 2014

Polish Army Day was held not long ago in such a tense … – naTemat

Polish Army Day was held not long ago in such a tense … – naTemat

President Bronislaw Komorowski in Polish Army Day left no doubt that the security of Polish long been so uncertain. Fig. Jacek Marczewski / Agency Newspaper

I guess I never in our recent history of Polish Army Day not proceeded in such a tense atmosphere. Although spectacular parade in the streets of Warsaw, accompanied by good fun, it was hard to hide, it is primarily a show of strength in uncertain times.

Nervous holiday
admitted that indeed the president himself. – The world needs to stop living in delusion – still too early to declare that the nobility triumphed over violence and armed conflict is the only piece of bad memories, painful history – argued Bronislaw Komorowski. – The conflict between Russia and Ukraine showed clearly that not all the nations of the region can live safely – said in a firm speech on the occasion of Friday holidays.

A moment later, these words also confirmed NATO chief Anders Fogh Rasmussen, who reported that next summit of the Alliance in Newport surely end with the adoption of a completely new strategy of the Alliance. In which all the attention will be devoted to increasing the readiness of the organization and to strengthen the cooperation of its members. So that NATO was “more efficient, faster and more flexible.”

NATO says Polish voice
It’s hard not to get the impression that those targeted by Rasmussen from Copenhagen announcement does not was intended to complement the words that have died in Warsaw with President Komorowski and paragraphs seemed to be directed not only to the Poles, as well as our eastern neighbors. – If we want freedom Polish enjoyed our children and grandchildren, we must today be ready to protect this freedom and be able to effectively fight for it, if need be – to convince Polish leader.

This is possible only strengthened Anders Fogh Rasmussen. – Europe is more threatened and less stable than even before. NATO must be ready for whatever the future holds – influential Dane said.



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