Monday, August 11, 2014

PMC hits the Election Protection Corps – Our Official

PMC hits the Election Protection Corps – Our Official

Monday, August 11, 2014 (18:36)

NEC in consultation with the government found a way to strike a built by a number of NGOs body protection fair elections. Last European elections showed that many Poles in fear of falsification of elections heavily involved in the work of election commissions. On the internet we could see videos of some of the defective work of election commissions. Many of the committee members trained by organizations that refer to fair elections tried to photograph the electoral protocols, and PiS even organized separate counting of votes cast in the election. Now all these civic initiatives may be destroyed.

NEC using the money after the budget (without government aid is not possible) Maria Peszek rates of allowances for work at the polling stations. To 300 zł 135 zł earlier rose diet for his work in the peripheral committees in local elections. For the chairman of the committee perimeter of 165 to 380 zł. NEC diet also increased for work in committees governments. In accordance with the resolution of the NEC, the chairman of the territorial election commissions for work during the local elections will receive 650 zł. This increase of 245 zł. Members of the territorial election commissions will receive 550 zł (previous rate is 200 zł).

This decision will result in a massive influx of people willing to work in committees because of the possibility of earnings. Small electoral committees will address primarily the reporting of the whole mass of the committee members. This will eliminate the trained people who want to work because of the desire for fair elections. Experience staffing electoral commissions is such that, in the application more volunteers than seats on the committee shall draw. Unfortunately, the ability to drawn space for one of the dozen or so volunteers decreases drastically. In addition, directing the Electoral Commission that have often determined he cast a volunteer, you will be far more difficult. Very high diet chairman will be a tempting target for those who want to earn, and it will cause severe concretions in the selection of the person for this function.

The author is a member of Law and Justice.


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