Monday, August 11, 2014

The members of the electoral earn more. Resolution PKW – Biał

The members of the electoral earn more. Resolution PKW – Biał

The National Electoral Commission raised the diet of election commission members and persons appointed to the inspection in elections to local government units.

 The members of the electoral earn more. resolution PKW

Photo: ESD

As is apparent from the NEC, the chairman of the committee for the work of territorial, during the election will receive 650 zł, their deputies – 600 zł, and members of territorial election commissions – 550 zł (before getting 200 zł). Given the amount of change, diet chairmen now increased by 405 zł, and the deputies of 375 zł.

The increases will also receive the chairman of the electoral commissions (from 165 to 380 zł), their deputies (from 150 to 330 zł) and members of electoral commissions (from 135 to 300 zł).

The flat-rate supplements to members of territorial election commissions for the time associated with the exercise of a member of the committee and members of electoral commissions for work connected with the carrying out voting and determining results of the vote.


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