Friday, August 1, 2014

President: Sikorski’s candidacy has my full support – TVN 24

President: Sikorski's candidacy has my full support – TVN 24

Photo: PAP / Paul Supernak Komorowski Sikorski supports efforts to EU position

For us, it is of who would be held the head of European diplomacy. It gives the possibility to influence on many issues, including the behavior of the countries of the Union to the Russian-Ukrainian – said President Bronislaw Komorowski. At the same time assured its support for the candidature Radoslaw Sikorski.

– Will it be a follower – I would say – consolidating and putting on independent Ukraine and its territorial integrity and to continue the process of approximation of our important neighbor of the Ukrainian accession to the Western world, or whether it will be someone who will listened to all kinds of fears, hints associated with particular respect for Russian interests. For us it is not indifferent – the president said in a radio “Troika”.

Asked whether Sikorski can count on the support of the president in applying for EU foreign policy chief seat, he said: – Absolutely. Full support, full commitment.

Difficult project

Komorowski said he has not ruled on whether the conflict between Russia and Ukraine will Sikorski in applying for the position of head of EU diplomacy.

– I can not judge. It seems to me that this is a difficult undertaking, but worth a try and worth putting in a lot of effort – he noted.

He stressed that this feature gives the possibility to influence on many issues, including the behavior of the Union issues “so dramatically important not only for Polish, but for the whole Union, the whole of the Western world” which is the prospect of resolving the conflict between Russia and Ukraine. He added that no doubt in this respect, EU countries will have considered all the candidates.

The president added that it would be beneficial for the Polish taking this position, but the most important is that it was a person respects the Polish point of view and the countries of the region.

Italian favorite,

On Thursday, a source in the government reported that Prime Minister Donald Tusk, Sikorski declared candidate for the position of head of EU diplomacy and Vice-President of the European Commission.

At the top in the middle July, EU leaders have not stated the head of EU diplomacy. The favorite for the position Federica Mogherini, the Italian foreign minister, met with opposition from countries in the region due to its too soft attitude towards Russia. This position, along with other foundations of the highest in the EU, is to be filled at the next August 30.

As of Thursday, EU countries have to propose their candidates for commissioners. He asked leaders of the future European Commission chief Jean-Claude Juncker, who wants in the coming weeks to form part of his team of Commissioners and reflect on division Friday.

At the EU summit on August 30 leaders would present their proposals. Some countries officially informed, who reports to the EC, but not all have done so.

The first hearing in the EP Commissioners would be held in September, and the new Commission should begin work on November 1.

Author: MAC / / rzw / Source: PAP


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