Friday, August 1, 2014

The 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising … –

The 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising … –


– Establishment had burst, there was no other option. People were really fed up with life on her knees, quite a few years of daily, oppressive occupation. Implement plans, degrade us to the subhuman. (…) The uprising was a relief – he says in an interview with Super Express Helena Wołłowicz, an insurgent with a branch of “Tower”. Today marks the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. When the hour of the “W”, the whole Warsaw froze for a moment. See how they looked celebration of the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising.


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             Agency photo: Super Express

70 anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising

Celebrating the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising started in the morning. In Warsaw held a ceremonial changing of worth at the Tomb of the Unknown Soldier. It was attended by representatives of the authorities, veterans, and a crowd of residents of the capital. The ceremony began with the playing of the national anthem and a speech by Hanna Gronkiewicz-Waltz.

ceremony at the monument of the Polish Underground State and Home Army

afternoon insurgents memory was celebrated at the monument of the Polish Underground State and the Army. – There is such a value, for which – if necessary – pay their own lives; this value is the homeland – said Parliament Speaker Ewa Kopacz at the monument of the Polish Underground State and the Army, where they laid wreaths to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. – Thank you for the witness of brotherhood, service and beautiful life. Today is the time to bow our heads over insurgent graves and bow in front of the gray heads of those who survived the uprising – added Kopacz.

Celebrating Military Cemetery Powązki

Thanks, speeches and wreaths could not miss also the Powazki Military Cemetery. On the grave of Gen. Antoni Chrusciel “Monter”, commander of the fighting Warsaw in August and September 1944 – laid flowers. Tribute to the commandant by veterans of World War II, the Warsaw insurgents, scouts, officials and residents of Warsaw.

Hour “W”

Hour 17.00 struck. All Warsaw stopped for a moment. Sirens sounded. Drivers crammed horns. Capital czerone lit flares. 70 years ago began the Warsaw Uprising.
Time In

flowers at the monument of Gloria Victis

Powązki salvo of honor was a tribute to the participants of the Warsaw Uprising. Delegations started ceremonial laying of wreaths at the monument of Gloria Victis. Flowers by, among others, Prime Minister Donald Tusk. The ceremony was attended by President Bronislaw Komorowski and his wife Anna, and the head Jaroslaw Kaczynski and vice-president of the party Macierewicz. The crowd applauded President of the Association of Warsaw Insurgents Gen. Zbigniew Scibor-Rila was applauded by some of the congregation.

Polish media have given honor to the heroes

also joined the celebrations Uprising Polish media.Stacje TV and radio issued on Friday at. 17 spot “70 seconds for the insurgents.” In the background noises were audible uprising recorded 70 years ago on the streets of Warsaw. On the website banner appeared prepared to celebrate the 70th anniversary of the Uprising.

Instead of silence whistles and screams

Despite numerous appeals and requests to keep quiet during the hour “W”, part gathered in front of the monument Gloria Victis not refrain from whistles and shouts shameful. Among the crowds could hear the hum, especially when part of the rebels gave their officials. When Bronislaw Komorowski and Donald Tusk, left around the monument were heard loud whistles and cheers, including “Thieves”. Part of Warsaw calming unruly crowd. When leaving veterans cemetery, was heard only positive calls, such as “honor and glory to the heroes”.

Woodstock in tribute to the insurgents

Memory rebels celebrated the participants Woodstock, organized in Kostrzyn. – 70 seconds of silence at the 70th anniversary of the Warsaw Uprising. Please only signals, please just about the siren and the traditional firing of the material – told the audience at Woodstock Jeszry Owsiak, the organizer of the event. When the siren died down, the participants of the festival sang the Polish national anthem.

Fallen Way. In tribute to the heroes

Wolski cemetery in front of the statue of “Fallen Niepoknani” began the ceremony commemorating the heroes of August 1, 1944 It takes an ecumenical prayer. Buried here are over 100 thousand. people killed fighting for the free capital. Today, there sounded Dabrowski’s Mazurka. At the Warsaw Uprising Cemetery Street. Wolska is 177 mass graves containing the remains of the insurgents. In 1973, a monument was unveiled there “Fallen-Way”, designed by Gustav Żemła.

See also

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