Wednesday, August 12, 2015

Natalia Vodianova has stood up for his sister – BBC

Supermodel Natalia Vodianova told the details of the incident at the cafe, from which the owner kicked her sister Oksana with autism and cerebral palsy. The host institution rudely demanded that Oksana and her nurse immediately left the room, because the girl allegedly deterred visitors. Nizhny Novgorod police began checking on the fact of what happened, and in the State Duma has already called the incident unacceptable.

The unpleasant situation occurred on Tuesday, 11 August, but became aware of it until the next day. Sister Vodianova Oksana few years ago was diagnosed with autism and cerebral palsy. She lives with her family in Nizhny Novgorod, help her family and the nanny. It was the nurse went for a walk with Oksana in Avtozavodskii recreation park.

«Oksana – people with disabilities. She can walk for hours, sometimes six hours and are usually mom and nurse stopped at a cafe to rest in the shade of a long walk, a cup of tea (Oksana does not drink water or juice) and then go for a walk, “- wrote Natalia Vodianova at their facebook .

It was very hot, and about an hour later it was decided to go to the street cafe called “Flamingo.” It was a weekday, so the cafe, but one customer was empty.

«They immediately approached the waitress and said that it is simply because you can not sit in a cafe, you need something to order. Babysitting ordered a glass of tea, in response to the waitress said that the tea in “Flamingo” only in large kettle and costs 300 rubles.

Nanny thought it was very expensive, and she bought Oksana chocolate “- continues Vodianova.

According to Natalia, the owner of the cafe came suddenly and rudely demanded: “Let’s go You scare away all our customers. Go, treated, and treat your child. And then come to a public place. ” Babysitting apologized, said that the child is special, it is better to make it a rest, and then she leaves.

However, the owner refused to wait, saying he is armed. “Mom or nurse had ever not expelled from cafes. Therefore, the nurse called my mother in shock, to understand what to do in this situation, because I knew that Oksana is useless to force to force to do something. While mom was driving near Oksana stood and stood guard all the time, until the mother came, that’s what he said literally:

«Go away or we call the mental hospital, ambulance and lock you in the basement ».

The only cafe client, who was already paying at the bar and asked the waiter aside the child alone, she will take a rest and she added Vodianova.

«When my mother came near Oksana were three guards, burly man. My mother tried to find out what, in fact, the case. When he learned that Oksana insulted and kicked out of the cafe, the beginning of their shame: the child is resting, nobody touches, neatly dressed, clean, not smelly. What child does not scare anyone, besides the cafe is completely empty, the child with the features he has himself to relax and go, if forced to drag out of the cafe, he will worry, nervous, maybe even cry or scream – says supermodel. – When my mother tried to explain this to the owner, he told her: “Gone. At first cure and then come to a public place. ”

Then one of the guards came to his mother, Oksana, and demanded that she left a cafe, taking her by the elbow. In addition, he threatened to call the police outfit. Mom brought out of the cafe and Oksana nanny, and then returned to the owner and told him that because this issue will not leave. “This issue concerns not only her, but, by and large, attitudes towards people with disabilities,” – said Natalia Vodianova.

According to her, when my mother went to the main entrance of the park, and there it was waiting for Oksana outfit police with machine guns. Law enforcement officers ordered sternly: “Stand. Come with us to the police. Arrested for disorderly conduct ».

Oksana did not get into the car, it was very hot, and she was tired, continues Vodianova. Then my mother was taken to a local police station. When my mother was taken to the local office, and there found her in the face, surprised, and said that this case is not binding and may be driven to the central mother compartment. In the central office mom wrote a counter-statement on the master cafe “Flamingo”.

«I am very sorry for my mother and for Oksana and for our nanny, so that this situation stoically withstood – says Vodianova. –

The department should conduct this host for defamation and discrimination, why my mother was taken? Why she had to spend the day driving around the police station and insulted its people can continue their day, as if nothing had happened? »

« The situation that occurred yesterday with my mother Oksana’s sister is not an isolated incident, unfortunately, this is the reality in which they live all families raising children with special needs. I find it hard to talk about it, but I understand that it is a signal to society that it is impossible not to hear “- summed up a supermodel.

Nizhny Novgorod police began checking on the fact of what happened. The representative of the Ministry said that between the mother and the girls host institution there was a conflict in which the two went to the police with a statement on the fact of mutual insults. The test results will be known within three to ten days.

Deputy Chairman of the Duma Committee on Family, Women and Children Olga Yepifanova called the incident “unacceptable».

The MP called on the owners of public premises to carry out explanatory work with the staff that all visitors to their institutions are, and you need to treat everyone equally, regardless of the appearance and health.

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