Kaliningrad deputies sent a bill to the State Duma, which provides to the meetings of the parliaments in the region begins and ends meeting anthem of Russia, reports Comandir.
The State Duma withdrew the law that required to fulfill the Russian national anthem before the start of each meeting.
Most of the deputies against anthem and say that force them to do it properly and is showing off patriotism.
– It is not part of our competence, – says Dmitry Vyatka. – In addition, the law is not mandatory. Each region has the right to decide on their own. If Kaliningrad MPs want before each meeting began sing the anthem – albeit, it is their desire, but why make others do? In addition, as we have seen, the deputies not happy.
The idea of the anthem of the Russian Federation does not support all MPs, because they believe that it too often. But A.Burkov, deputy chairman of the State Duma of Federal Affairs believes that the performance of the anthem raise the patriotic spirit in Russia. “My personal opinion – such things should be done. Deputies at least will know the anthem of his native country. Previously, we were taught in school, but now we have no such possibility. So if people will remember the national anthem at the meetings of Parliament, well, “- said Burkov.
But the State Duma committees this idea is not entirely support. They believe that every Russian region of the right to decide how and when to perform the Russian anthem.
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