the special Forces from the 5th mobile brigade of the airborne forces from the Marina Slides during demonstrations. November 2016
Russia and Belarus are preparing an agreement on the use of special forces on the territory of each other, follows from the decree of Alexander Lukashenko. He approved the draft agreement and instructed the KGB to negotiate
the President of Belarus Alexander Lukashenko signed a decree, which approved the draft agreement on the use of special forces of Russia and Belarus on the territory of each other when conducting counter-terrorism operations.
Decree number 466 was signed on December 6, he posted on the Belarusian portal of legal information. The text of the agreement referred to in the decree, the document record is not given.
“to Endorse the attached draft Agreement between the Republic of Belarus and the Russian Federation about participation of special forces in counter-terrorism operations on the territory of the Republic of Belarus or the Russian Federation <…> as a basis for negotiations.
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Lukashenko gave the right to the state security Committee of Belarus to conduct negotiations under this agreement, make incremental changes and sign “in achieving agreement within the approved project”.
In 2015-2016 widely discussed another possible aspect of cooperation of law enforcement agencies of Russia and Belarus. At the end of September 2015, the President of Russia Vladimir Putin instructed to sign an agreement on the establishment of a Russian airbase in Belarus. In response, Lukashenko said he knows nothing about it, and this issue was not discussed. He also expressed surprise, “why would the Russians <…> throw in the media”.
after a month, the Belarusian President softened its stance and promised to discuss the question of the establishment of the air base. Later, the press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Putin and Lukashenko discussed the issue of the airbase and could continue the discussion at the CIS summit, which was held in Kazakhstan in mid-October 2015.
some time later, the Minister of defense of Belarus Andrei Ravkov have stated that there is no need to place the Russian airbase on the territory of the Republic, and in April 2016, the foreign Minister of Belarus Vladimir Makei said that the question of Russian air base in Belarus “at this stage, closed.”
Then the Makey said that his country “is not a ship that is drifting” in search of strategic partner for the country. “Our region is not a sea, and Belarus is not a ship that is drifting in one direction and then the other. We know which harbour to choose from. With Russia we have to communicate, communicate and, I am sure, will associate… strategic relationships, we have a common history, economic, military cooperation”, — said Mackay.

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