similar payments can count and the other defendants in the case
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the Russian authorities suggested to the Boy Eskerhanova — one of the defendants in the case about the murder of opposition leader Boris Nemtsov, a cash payment after he filed a complaint with the European court of human rights. We are talking about the amount of six thousand euros, writes “Kommersant”.

photo: Gennady Cherkasov
According to the publication, Temirlan Eskerkhanov presented the Russian authorities with a dozen complaints. The accused complained to the Moscow courts, which for a long time did not consider his appeal, as well as to employees of the Metropolitan detention center. During this stay under the arrest of the accused is regarded as drudgery, because of the lack of such essential things, like fresh air, daylight and drinking water.
the Newspaper notes that the Deputy Minister of justice of Russia Georgy Matyushkin and the ECHR has entered into an agreement to pre-trial settlement of the complaint.
the Reason for it is something that is “Temirlan Dukarevich Eskerkhanov were kept in detention facilities № 6 and № 1 ( “Printers” and “sailor’s Silence” — approx.) was in the building of the Basmanny court in Moscow and transported in conditions that do not meet the requirements of article 3 of the Convention on the protection of human rights and fundamental freedoms of man”.
as a “fair compensation for damages” on behalf of the government of Russia Matyushkin suggested six thousand euros. The Deputy Minister explained to the newspaper that pre-trial settlement in cases of human rights violations is a longstanding standard practice. According to him, similar procedure relieve the ECHR of the dam of similar cases, enabling the state to save on the amount of compensation.
Eskerkhanov and his family while pondering over this proposal. However, according to the lawyer Rosa Magomedova, most likely it will be accepted. “In this case, their complaints in the above steps we will have to refuse,” said the defender. According to the newspaper, for example eskerhanova appealed to the ECHR and other defendants in the case.
Boris Nemtsov was gunned down on Great Moskvoretsky bridge in the capital on February 27. The investigation is considering several versions of crimes, including murder. On suspicion in murder of the politician was arrested the former officer of internal Affairs battalion “North” Zaur Dadaev and Timur Eskerkhanov, Khamzat, Anzor and Sagit Gubareva.

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