More than half of Russians solidarity nostalgia Mikhail Gorbachev
After a quarter-century since the signing of the Belavezha accords, the participants of those historical events again at the hearing. First, there was an extensive public debate among cultural figures around Yeltsin Center. After the media caught on to the words of the former President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev that he admits the possibility of the borders of the former Soviet Union, the new Union state.
“of the Soviet Union — no, and Union Yes. I believe that the new Union can be. <…> In the former borders and with the same composition, voluntarily…”
— said the Nobel peace prize laureate for 1990.
Nostalgic mood of Gorbachev’s support more than half of Russians. According to a survey the Russian center for public opinion studies (VTSIOM) in the spring of this year, 64% of Russian citizens would vote for preserving the Soviet Union. Having noted the request of the society, the political parties in its play this card during the election campaign. The Communist party in its program declared that “it is necessary to contribute to the rapprochement of the fraternal peoples of the USSR”, and the liberal democratic party did put forward the minimum program under the slogan “Factories to the workers, land to farmers, the minimum wage — 20 thousand, the borders of the USSR to restore! “.

Campaign slogan of the liberal democratic party in the anniversary of the collapse of the Soviet Union was voiced by Mikhail Gorbachev
Photo: Anton Belitsky © URA.Ru
it is Noteworthy that the liberal democratic party is promoting in the state Duma a draft statement about the destructive activities of the President of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev and first Russian President Boris Yeltsin, which, according to its authors, “was aimed at the collapse of the country.”
Deputy head of the LDPR faction Yaroslav Nilov believes that the position of Gorbachev, announced today, the result is sentimentality, “which comes with age”. But at the same time, allows for the gradual development of the scenario of reunification with the former Soviet republics.
“the liberal democratic party has long said that the need to return the country to the Soviet border. Of course without bloodshed, without military intervention, through the establishment of partnership and mutually beneficial conditions, so that there is complete Union. We see that
full integration happens, for example, expands Eurasian Union”
— said in an interview URA.Ru MP. Nilov also said that citizens are now sovereign States, you will understand that it is better to be part of Russia, on the rights of the individual subjects of the Federation.
In August this year, there were Central sociological study on the territories of 11 of the former republics. It presented the Internet portal Sputnik. People were asked to evaluate and compare the quality of life, state security and social protection in Soviet time and today. In the result
in the nine post-Soviet countries, the majority of those who personally remembers life in the Union, claim that the Soviet people lived better than now.
In Armenia, said 71% of respondents in Azerbaijan — 69%, in Russia — 64%, in Kazakhstan — 61%, in Moldova, Ukraine and Kyrgyzstan — 60%. In Belarus, the figure is 53%, and in Georgia 51%. In Tajikistan, this thesis according to 39% of the citizens. The lowest rate in Uzbekistan — 4% of respondents supported the assertion that the USSR was better.
Deputy Director of the Institute of CIS countries, Vladimir Zharikhin believes that the post-Soviet countries with a specific community has already created a closer Association between them. The political scientist in interview “URA.Ru” he gave the example of political and economic collaborations: the Union state of Russia and Belarus, Tomozhenny Union of the EEU, which has brought Russia, Kazakhstan, Belarus, Armenia and Kyrgyzstan. In addition, the expert reminded about a military Alliance — the organization of collective security Treaty (CSTO) which includes Armenia, Belarus, Kazakhstan, Kyrgyzstan, Russia and Tajikistan.
the Most representative Union of post-Soviet countries of the CIS, according to Zharikhin, fulfilling its basic functions, a regional organization comparable to the Organization of American States (OAS). The position of the former head of the USSR Mikhail Gorbachev, the analyst applies with skepticism:
“the Reality is that conventional economic Union, and eventually political (e.g. the EU under its heyday), it is possible. But
it is difficult to imagine that in the foreseeable future, for example, Turkmenistan, which has gone the way of totalitarianism, with their orders will be included in the shared space. Or the Baltic States, which joined the EU”.
Michael Neyzhmakov, a leading analyst of the Agency for political and economic communications believes that there are a number of regional problems which the countries of the former Soviet Union alone is difficult to handle, but foreign players real help in these questions also provide in no hurry.
“Often, this role is played by security issues. USA or China for countries in Central Asia, Iran or Western powers for Armenia, de facto, do not ensure military-political “umbrella”, which offers the CSTO. This is far from the revival of the USSR, of course. But the limits of integration between the participants of the mentioned block is not exhausted,” the expert said in an interview “URA.Ru”.
the political Scientist reminded about the initiative of creation of the United forces of Russia and Armenia. The lower interest of foreign players to one or another part of the former USSR and the greater regional problem, the more chances that are located there, the state will actively participate in the projects of Eurasian integration promoted by Moscow, the expert believes. In his opinion, the CIS simply was not designed for deeper integration among participating countries.
PhD in political Sciences, expert on Central and Eastern Europe Ivan Preobrazhenskiy believes that any of the former Federal Republic of Russia has no chance to start to recreate the Soviet Union, or as a force.

Relations between Russia and Belarus cannot be considered ideal, according to experts-sceptics who doubt the ideas of Gorbachev to reunite the USSR
Photo: official Internet representation of the President of Russia
“just look at development of relations inside the Union state of Russia and Belarus to understand that there is no reconstruction of the Soviet Empire is now impossible. Well, Mikhail Sergeevich — a middle-aged man, and he is allowed to feel nostalgic for the days of his highest career take off, but do not confuse nostalgia with the political forecast,” — said the analyst in an interview “URA.Ru”.
the political Scientist has reminded that between Russia and Belarus are ongoing economic war, not only because of energy prices, but also because of the supply of agricultural products. In addition, de facto was restored to the Russian-Belarusian border, which has stopped flowing enter through Belarus of foreigners, even in the presence of all necessary documents, including a Russian visa.
the expert Also pointed out that in March 2014, in connection with the Crimean events Belarus is rapidly changed their key defense documents, on the basis of the potential need of protection of “polite people.” The expert ruled out the possibility to return to the borders of the USSR:
“Legally it is impossible to associate with countries who do not recognize your boundaries, and none of the post-Soviet countries, including Belarus, does not recognize Russian ownership of the Crimea”.

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