Sunday, December 11, 2016

Mikhalkov wrote Naina Yeltsin the letter with the explanation of position on “Yeltsin-the Center” – Look

Director Nikita Mikhalkov’s sorry he upset with his statements, the widow of the first President of Russia Naina Yeltsin, and at the same time the Director urged her to greater objectivity in the development programs “of the Yeltsin centre”.

“I am deeply sorry to have caused you disappointment, but I am sure that you were misled by interpreting my words at a certain angle. Not about the memory of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin, and not about his activities I said at the Federation Council, and about how and who compiles and executes a program of dubious historical content of dubious historical conclusions,” Mikhalkov wrote in a letter to Yeltsin, RIA “Novosti”.

He called to separate the wheat from the chaff and look at the activities of the centre through the eyes of people who do not want to defame the name of Boris Yeltsin, but at the same time can not agree “with the biased and ideologically-based interpretation of our history.”

“If you do, suggest to think about how it would be possible to adjust the program “of the Yeltsin centre” to try to achieve greater objectivity – that is the nicest thing in defense of the name and memory of Boris Yeltsin,” – said the Director.

on Friday, the film Director Nikita Mikhalkov announced sharply negative assessment of programs located in Yekaterinburg “Yeltsin

Centre”, saying that “in the centre there are daily injections of destruction of the consciousness of the people.” The Director called for a change of activity “at the Yeltsin Centre”, comparing his work with “poison”.

Later in the Center commented on the statements of the Director, comparing his criticism of the position “I have not read Pasternak, but condemn,” and noting that the activity complies with Russian legislation.

Naina Yeltsin, the widow of the first President of Russia, called the criticism directed against the Yekaterinburg “Yeltsin Centre” false accusations.

“Yeltsin Centre” is a public cultural and educational center, which opened in Yekaterinburg in 2015, with the participation of the Fund “of the Presidential center B. N. Yeltsin” in the quarter Yekaterinburg-city. In November 2015, “Yeltsin Centre” was visited by President Vladimir Putin.


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