the Russian film Director Nikita Mikhalkov in an open letter to the widow of the first President of Russia Naina Yeltsin responded to the accusations about his position regarding the activities “of the Presidential center of Boris Yeltsin” (Yeltsin). The text of the letter is at the disposal “of the”.
Mikhalkov expressed regret that Yeltsin brought disappointment. The Director expressed confidence that she was misled. “I never said that Boris Nikolayevich is not worthy of the Museum, this is not true,” he wrote, explaining that anyone who was at the pinnacle of power, worthy of the memory of it was preserved.
Also, the Director confirmed that the person was not in the “Yeltsin-the centre”. “But they have worked for several film crews, specially sent there, who have filmed all of the displays, exhibits, interiors, cafes, people’s opinions and so on. And believe me, I have a very full idea of what is happening there,” — said Mikhalkov.
the reproach that Mikhalkov helped Yeltsin during the 1996 elections, the Director replied that it was sincere, as, in his opinion, at that moment, “alternatives to Boris Yeltsin there was no”.
“in addition, at the time nobody, at least of those who voted for Boris and I in particular, and to imagine the depth and tragedy of the situation in which the country will be. It sold factories, and sold for pennies ships, and humiliated army, and impoverished people, and the destruction of science” — written by Mikhalkov. However, he pointed out that it is unfair all responsibility for this lay just Yeltsin.
Mikhalkov stressed that he was not against the Museum, that he needed. “I am opposed to the name of Yeltsin, behind him in the Yeltsin center was a systematic work, slowly and carefully destroys the historical consciousness of children and young people who come there,” said the Director.
“I have never renounced and will not renounce me perfect and said and continue to insist that the Museum of Boris Nikolayevich Yeltsin’s need, but not his name to destroy historical truth, skrashivaya this free visits, entertainment and pastime in the beautiful interiors of the Yeltsin centre, at the same time, taking root in the fledgling minds of young people about understanding the history of Russia”, — said Mikhalkov.
“I Beg You, dear Naina, separate the wheat from the chaff and look at what I wrote, the eyes of people who don’t want to defame the name of Boris Yeltsin, but at the same time can not agree with the biased and ideologically-based interpretation of our history”, — concluded the Director.
Earlier, Yeltsin accused Mikhalkov of lying. Dissatisfaction with Yeltsin called the statements Mikhalkov that institution, in his opinion, every day destroys the national identity of hundreds of children because it gives a biased estimate of the history of Russia.
“the Yeltsin centre” was opened in Yekaterinburg in November 2015. It was conceived as a socio-political organization that promotes the rule of law, the study and development of Institute of presidency in Russia. There is a Museum, library, archive, educational and children’s centres, and exhibition halls.
Boris Yeltsin led the country in 1991. Five years later he was re-elected for a second term. On 31 December 1999 Yeltsin announced his resignation and handed over the post to Vladimir Putin who was at that time the post of Prime Minister.

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