Sunday, December 11, 2016

The foreign Ministry called unacceptable the proposal of the United States to withdraw fighters from Aleppo – RIA Novosti


(updated: )


MOSCOW, 11 Dec — RIA Novosti. Russia and the United States have not yet reached agreement on the issue of release of militants from Aleppo, Syria, told RIA Novosti Russian Deputy foreign Minister Sergei Ryabkov.

Earlier, Reuters reported that Moscow and Washington allegedly offered the safe evacuation of fighters from Eastern Aleppo. The Agency with reference to trapped in a text document of the parties to the talks on the situation in Aleppo, writes that the proposal of Russia and the United States provides for the release of militants “dzhebhat an-Nusra” in Aleppo, only in the province of Idlib with light weapons, and other militants can leave the combat zone in other directions.

“what is reported by Western agencies, is not necessarily true. Most importantly, in this regard, it should be noted, is that we, Russia, our group in Syria for a

long time is taking all the necessary in order to create the conditions for a safe exit from the city (Aleppo) those who are there,” said Ryabkov.

According to him, “the issue of release of militants is the subject of separate agreements with the United States”. “This agreement has yet been reached largely due to the fact that the United States insist on an unacceptable options in terms of a ceasefire, cessation of hostilities, essentially providing full freedom of movement to those who are now fighting the Syrian government forces,” said Deputy foreign Minister.

He added that therefore “about any joint proposal, about any put on the table proposals which will then be considered by the opposition, no question”. “It is unclear on which sources rely those who likewise “warms up ” information space” — said a senior diplomat.

Earlier, the Syrian government army has conducted an offensive in Eastern Aleppo, occupied by militants. According to the latest data of the Ministry of defense of Russia, under the control of government troops is 93% of the territory East of Aleppo.

the development of the situation in the special project of RIA Novosti “War in Syria” >>


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