the Team elected President of the USA of Donald trump criticized the CIA report, which reported on the Russian intervention in elections in the United States. This was reported by the newspaper The Washington Post.
“the Report was written by the same people who claimed that Saddam Hussein had weapons of mass destruction”, — reads the statement of the headquarters of the trump. It also noted that the election “was over long ago” and “now is the time to go forward and again to make America great.”
U.S. intelligence agencies said about Russia’s intervention in the presidential elections, reported the newspaper. The authors of the CIA report found that people associated with the Russian government, supplied Wikileaks with stolen emails from the headquarters of the US Democratic party, the election headquarters of Hillary Clinton. The intelligence agencies noted that there is no evidence that the Kremlin was in charge of the impact on the presidential election.
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President Barack Obama instructed to check “cyber attacks and foreign intervention” in the elections of the President of the United States. According to the Advisor to the President for homeland security Lisa Monaco, the results should be presented before Obama leaves office January 20, 2017, transmit Reuters.

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