Until the end of January, the Kremlin gives the estimation to the statements of U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration. About this Peskov said, commenting on the words arrived in Moscow Advisor to Donald trump on the Crimea and the Ukrainian crisis
Press Secretary of the President of Russia Dmitry Peskov said that Moscow until the end of January to assess only the statements of U.S. President Barack Obama and his administration, reports “RIA Novosti”. So Sands responded to a request to comment on statements about the Crimea and the Ukrainian crisis made by the Advisor of the election headquarters of Donald trump Carter page.
“Moscow believes the official statements of President Obama and members of his administration until the end of January,” — said Peskov.
Peskov said earlier that the staff of the presidential administration of Russia did not plan to meet with the Advisor to Donald trump, and the arrival of Paige in Moscow in the Kremlin has learned from the media.
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Advisor of the electoral headquarters of the elected President of the USA of Donald trump Carter Paige arrived in Russia on 8 December. On Friday, December 9, he called a “catastrophic” level of misinformation, on which was built the decision the foreign players in Ukraine and Crimea. “I am sure that there will be new opportunities to overcome these misconceptions and the wrong vector, which was set for Ukraine,” said Paige to the question of whether the new White house administration to implement a policy of recognizing the annexation of Crimea to Russia, and the role of the Ukrainian question in the policy of the Cabinet of trump (quoted by “RIA Novosti”).
Carter Paige has repeatedly spoken out against sanctions against Russia that were imposed by Western countries. In his opinion, anti-Russian sanctions led to the collapse of potential deals and reduce the cost of shares of “Gazprom”, the holder of which he is. This he said in an interview with Bloomberg.

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