Flowers to the scene of the murder of Boris Nemtsov in the Greater Moscow River bridge began to bear during the night, as soon as a few hours after the murder of the police removed the cordon and communal water cannons washed away the blood. In the morning, where his body lay, set the photo policy, and it came near him to remember collected a mountain of flowers. There’s also put soaked from the rain Russian Constitution and propaganda leaflets “No you will not come” Spring “(such Nemtsov recently handed Muscovites in the metro). Someone brought the note, “You died for us”, “We all – the Germans”, “Fear for the future of children is stronger than fear of death” – a hastily written on paper, they all disappeared under the flowers, which are carried and carried.
By the crime scene people walked in silence, some would say, “I can not believe.” Many were families – children and the elderly. Came an old friend of Nemtsov’s party “Union of Right Forces,” Kirov Governor Nikita White. He shuffled his feet in silence in the crowd and, without saying anything the press left.
Chairman of the Board “RUSNANO” Anatoly Chubais, Nemtsov, which in 1997 worked in the government, appeared on the bridge, accompanied by guards. Observing silence, he knelt before the murder scene. Unlike White, he made a short statement, duplicated later on the website “Rusnano”. Chubais urged all political forces to stop and think. “If only a few days ago here in our city, people go with the poster” will finish fifth column “and today kill Nemtsov, let’s think about what will happen tomorrow? – Chubais reminded one of the slogans of the past week before the march movement “Antimaydan.” – We all need to stop. I emphasize – all. Government, the opposition, the Liberals, Communists, nationalists, conservatives ».

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The founder of the “Yabloko” Grigory Yavlinsky also made a short word. “He was a good, open, gifted man. This is a great loss, a terrible tragedy, a very serious political assassination “, – he said. Bureau of the Party, assembled in the morning and start the meeting with a moment of silence, decided to join the funeral procession Sunday, organized instead canceled the march “Spring».
A close associate of the party RPR-Parnassus and friend Nemtsov, Ilya Yashin, the first night arrived to the scene of the tragedy to call friends murdered politician on the sidelines to comment to reporters. He said that a lot of versions of the murder that the Germans were at risk, constantly received threats.
During the day on the Big Moscow River bridge visited and honored the memory of opposition defenders, after the USA, Austria, Hungary, Germany, Croatia , Serbia. “I am here today to get along with my colleagues from the embassy to express our respect Boris Nemtsov,” – said US Ambassador John Tefft, add to the mountain of flowers bouquet of scarlet roses.
Police, placed along the bridge, almost did not interfere, even when there were so many people that formed a crush. They responded only once, when the democratic movement activist Ksenia Istomin took the poster “Keep the main witness.” The crowd thought she hinted at President Vladimir Putin. The poster was within minutes taken out of her hands, activist detained and taken to the police station “China Town».
Many spoke of the cameras on the Kremlin wall ten meters from the scene of the murder. “Well, w e camera – shows a man his companion. – There must be found. ” By that time, sources told Interfax that the alleged killers white car was on the wanted list and has already been found. But even when someone read aloud the news in disbelief swept the crowd “do not get caught.” “Another loud and unsolved murder,” – said regretfully elderly man with a copy of the Constitution in their hands. A few hours later the Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin denied the involvement of owners of vehicles found in the murder.
attributable to Moskvoretsky Bridge to commemorate Nemtsov shared with RBC their feelings .
An activist with a poster “A Hero Never Dies»:
Nemtsov went without protection, could appear in the subway, handing out leaflets out of stock “Strategy-31″. He knew that fighting for a just cause. I am 50 years old, I still remember the Soviet Union, and, of course, the transition to a new country could not happen smoothly. I think people now begin to understand what is happening in the country.
Maria, 75 years:
Nemtsov was a very good man. I remember in the 90s it was very supportive Yeltsin, wanted him to become president, and we just wanted to vote for him. Nemtsov was very gifted, I know that. It is not known how to live Russia, whether the head of state. Maybe even worse than now. His death – sorrow for all of us.
The founder of an international movement diggers in Russia Vadim Mikhailov:
It’s hard on the background of the death of something to say, consider different versions. But podzemschikov always has its own version. As the killers never found, we hypothesized that they could go to the underground city. He is very extensive, not always controlled, it is the legacy of our past. We have already fulfilled their, checked the underground structure between the charge and the Kremlin.
The coordinator of the NGO “Open Russia” Vladimir Kara-Murza:
What happened here last night, it is an act of political terrorism. I hope we find out soon, who immediately pulled the trigger, I hope that these people will be punished. But in fact the trigger pressed, all those who in the past few years, and especially last year injected this wave of propaganda, hysteria, hatred, intolerance and intolerance of dissent, when opponents of the current government called fifth column and national traitors.
Akishin Alexander, 25 years old, works in the field of consulting:
I think there was a murder that has become a symbol of relations of power with the opposition. This case showed that the opportunity for dialogue is closed for good. Now dissenters may be destroyed. In previous years, although the dialogue is also not observed, we are at least not killed.
Olga (come to share with a child):
We have been with child at the theater, then we went out and I told her daughter that yesterday there was a situation which is very important for me. Policy complicated thing, I can not say that was on one side or another, but I respect the position of the man. What happened – shock, horror. I do not watch TV, I learned about it from Facebook. Not to say that the next active activity Nemtsov, but always inclined towards democratic processes and views on society. Democratic system I still closer than totalitarian.
The former Human Rights Ombudsman Vladimir Lukin:
For a quarter century, Nemtsov was a major politician, first in the government, then became the leader of the opposition. He showed exceptional ability, always spoke what he thought, did what he said. He was a free man, he lived in freedom. I would like to make our society heal hatred, then we will have some progress.
Recorded Daria Choi

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