Sunday, March 8, 2015

Media: Zaur Dadaev said Nemtsov killed because of his negative statements about the Prophet Muhammad –

After the head of Chechnya, Ramzan Kadyrov, stood for the main defendants in the case of the killing politician Boris Nemtsov Zaur Dadaeva, the media reported that the crime was committed because of the negative comments about Muslims opposition. It is reported by “Rosbalt” , citing an unnamed law enforcement source.

Day March 8 Basmanny Court of Moscow arrested until April 28 Dadaeva and four other suspects in the crime – brothers and Anzor Shagida Gubasheva, Hamzada Bakhaeva Eskerhanova and Tamerlane.

“In fact Dadaev admitted in the organization of the crime – told the online edition. – Therefore, some high-profile arrests and revelations in the investigation should not wait.”

According to Dadaeva, says a source, in January this year, he learned that the Germans had negative perception of living on the territory of the Russian Muslims, their religion and the Prophet Muhammad. Being highly religious man, a former Chechen zamkomandira Battalion “North” could not tolerate such, writes “Rosbalt”. Which is to Nemtsov in question was not specified.

Note that the Investigative Committee spokesman Vladimir Markin, formerly called “more accurate and balanced attitude” to the publications in the media, “citing unnamed sources,” because “they As a rule, are disinformation, and often – blatant provocation. ” “The whole objective, which means that reliable information can only come from an official source, that is, from the Investigative Committee, whose production is the criminal case,” – warned Markin.

As previously described Kadyrov Dadaev was shocked, “comments in support of printing the cartoons.” “Anyone who knows Zaur, argue that it is a deeply religious man, and that he, like all Muslims, was shocked actions Charly”, – said the head of Chechnya.

In Basmanny Court Dadaev was the only suspect who admitted his involvement in the murder of Nemtsov. According to journalists in session ( 1 , 2 ), the main person involved in the case, in particular, said that he loved the Prophet Muhammad.

Earlier in the UK voiced the possible versions of murder Nemtsov. “Thoroughly worked through and the version associated with the Islamic extremist track,” – said, in particular, Markin. According to the investigation, he said, “Nemtsov received threats in connection with his position regarding the execution of the journalists of the magazine Charlie Hebdo in Paris.”

The attack in the wording of Charlie Hebdo occurred on January 7

The attack on the editor of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo was on 7 January. Then at the hands of terrorists, killing two policemen and 10 journalists cartoonists. Two days later, the police and security forces blocked them in the print shop in the city Dammarten en Goel far from the French capital. Kuashi brothers took a hostage. At the storming of the building they were eliminated, the hostage was not injured.

Along with these events familiar brothers Kuashi Amedie Coulibaly took hostages in the store kosher food in the east of Paris. He demanded from the authorities to remove the law enforcement officers who blocked the brothers Kuashi. During the assault on the store Coulibaly was eliminated. At the same time he managed to kill four hostages. A day earlier, January 8, Coulibaly shot policewoman in Montrouge near Paris. Just three days at the hands of terrorists killed 17 people.

Charlie Hebdo – French satirical weekly that published the cartoons, stories, discussions and anecdotes that are often irreverent and non-conformist tone. Occupying the left and secular positions, ridicules politicians and various right-wing of the church.

The magazine several times published caricatures of Islam and the Prophet Muhammad himself. The last such publication, in September 2012, was the response to released in the US amateur film “Innocence of Muslims” and the subsequent unrest in the Arab world with the American presence.

On the cover of the release, which was released after the attack, cartoonists put the Prophet Muhammad, who holds a sign saying “Je suis Charlie” (“I – Charly”).

Nemtsov wrote about the terrorist attack in Paris: “murder – is a grave sin, including in accordance with the Quran”

After the terrorist attack in Paris, the former head Yukos CEO Mikhail Khodorkovsky urged the media to show solidarity begin publishing cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed. Then Kadyrov announced it his “personal enemy” and “the enemy of all Muslims in the world.”

Nemtsov January 9 named the attack on the editor Charlie Hebdo “medieval Islamic Inquisition.” “There should be no justification for terror. When there are some write that cartoonists are to blame, that mocked the Prophet Mohammed, they justify murder. Murder – this is a grave sin, including in accordance with the Qur’an and satire, even mocking, sin is not. And the comparison cartoonist with a killer fanatic only provoke terrorists. There is nothing to compare with journalists killers “- wrote, in particular, the opposition after the terrorist attack in Paris.

A few days later, as reminds “Rosbalt” Nemtsov said that “Kadyrov has got all his threats,” and “it’s time to plant.”

On the day of the murder, Nemtsov was monitored from the office of “Echo of Moscow”

According to “Rosbalt”, which refers to a law enforcement source, Dadaev insulted statements of policy, drew his two nephews – Zaur and Shagida Gubashevyh. They are more than a decade living in the Moscow region and knew the capital. As a result, the brothers enlisted the help of his friends and Bakhaeva Ekserhanovu, who also lived in the suburbs, writes the online edition.

They tried to establish surveillance for the opposition, but because of his frequent trips out of town do not work. Then the attackers began to search for information on activities involving Nemtsov on the internet and found out that on February 27 with his participation will be a program on “Echo of Moscow”.

“Transmission with his participation was announced. From the media about it and learned the killer. At least, studying CCTV footage, investigators found that it was from the station building on Novy Arbat for politicians began shadowing unknown car “- says the” Rosbalt “.

As it turned out earlier, after the broadcast Nemtsov went on foot to the GUM, where he met with his girlfriend Anna Duritskaya – a key witness to a crime. Earlier, the girl who has not suffered in the attack, said she did not notice the surveillance.

As for another suspect, Beslan Shavanova that a grenade made a suicide bombing , when police tried to arrest him in Grozny, it accounted Dadaev close friend, said “Rosbalt”. Its possible role in the organization of the crime is not reported.

Related Links:

Kadyrov stood up for murder suspect Nemtsov: “He could not take a step against Russia”
// // // In Russia March 8, 2015

Court arrested the accused and suspects in the murder of Nemtsov
// // // In Russia, March 8, 2015

The Investigative Committee of the murder Nemtsov called
// // // In Russia, February 28, 2015

The suspect in the assassination of Putin Adam Osmaev may be involved in the murder of Nemtsov, the media are w riting
// // // In Russia, March 3, 2015

In Paris, 12 people were killed in a shooting in the office of the satirical magazine Charlie Hebdo
// // // In the world January 7, 2015

Information Internet resources

parties and politicians // // RPR-Parnassus Nemtsov Boris


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