As stated to the Investigative Committee of Russia, the attack occurred in a country house Dmitry Vashurkina, where on Sunday night came the Colonel with his wife.
“on the night of 11 December 2016, the chief of the police Department of the city is Gratifying and his wife, returning home in a private house located in the village smyshlyaevka Volga region in Samara region, was found at home four men in masks, who attacked them”, — stated in the SC.
As specified in the SC, Dmitry Vashurin regained consciousness this morning and he called the ambulance.
“But a woman could not be saved and she died on the spot incidents, — have declared in SK. — Currently on the scene left the first Deputy the head of investigatory management across the Samara region the Colonel of justice Oskin Alexander, and the investigators and criminologists of the investigative Department. In the near future will be prosecuted. Established the motives of the committed crime and persons, involved in its Commission”.
As noted Life.Ru
Vashurin said that the criminals beat them with hands and feet, but the head of the police also found a chopped wound.
Federal Ministry of the interior responded quickly to the incident, involved the head of Department Vladimir Kolokoltsev.
At the direction of the Minister of internal Affairs of the Russian Federation General of police of the Russian Federation Kolokoltseva to provide practical assistance in solving the crime in the Samara region sent employees of the Bureau of criminal investigation of MIA of Russia.
“currently, for establishment and detention of malefactors are taken all necessary measures are carried out quickly-search and investigative activities,” — said the official representative of the Ministry of internal Affairs of Russia Irina the Wolf.
SU TFR in the Samara region has filed a case in the attack.
“by the Third Department on investigation of especially important cases of the investigative Department of the Investigative Committee of Russia in Samara region on the given fact criminal case on signs of the crime provided by the item “g” of part 2 of article 105 of the Russian criminal code (murder, committed by group of persons in a preliminary conspiracy) and part 3 of article 30, paragraph “a”, “W” part 2 of article 105 of the Russian criminal code (attempted murder of two persons committed by a group of persons on preliminary arrangement)” — said the Agency.
the Deputy of the state Duma from the Samara region Vladimir Gutenev called the incident a demonstrative act.
“you Need to be very careful to ensure that not only the guilty was punished, but so that such a situation does not occur again. In situations where government employees are killed, you cannot leave without the help of other family members. It is necessary to toughen penalties and protect, including our doctors, those who often, when an emergency has been subjected to beatings, threats,” — said Gutenev, answering the question of radio station “Moscow speaking”.
At the beginning of this year, the strongest response was caused by a tragedy with the murder of the chief of staff of research Affairs of the Samara region Andrey Gosta and his family. The attack occurred on the night of 24 April in the village of Iwasawa Syzransky district of Samara region.
In house 58 on the street the School was found the body of Andrew Gosta, his parents and three other relatives. Survived only a small niece of Andrew Gosta. Her serious condition was taken to the hospital.
On the incident of SU IC in the Samara region opened a criminal case under part 2 of article 105 and part 3 of article 30 and part 2 of article 105 of the criminal code (murder of two and more persons and attempted murder).
Soon after, the security forces detained the suspects — three natives of Azerbaijan living in Syzran and some of Mahmadali Akhmadov, who was trying to escape to Tajikistan.

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