the Federal penitentiary service has put the final point in the case of the convict for violation of rules of holding rallies Ildar Dading, declared tortures in the Segezha colony, no violations found, reported news agencies, the Deputy head of the FSIN Valery Maksimenko.
“as for the Dading in his “business” put the final point. No official audit of the Federal penitentiary service, no preliminary examination of the Investigation Committee any facts of applying illegal measures by the staff of the IR-7 is not revealed in a criminal case is denied. And now Dading should be to a new place of serving of punishment”, – quotes its words of RIA “news”.
“he Feels well and is in a cheerful mood, has an enviable appetite and feeds intensively. His security is not threatened”
He noted that on arrival in the prescribed manner Dading voluntarily inform one’s relatives about the new place of residence.
“I Can add that he feels well and is in a cheerful mood, has an enviable appetite and feeds intensively. His security is not threatened”, – said the Deputy head of the FSIN.
He also said that despite statements by the representatives of the HRC in the report to the President on Friday, any orders of the Federal penitentiary service, prevent human rights activities there, and the office always helps the defenders.
“as an example, Mr Kalyapin gave his visit to the penal colony in Segezha to check the information about the convicted (for breach of the rules of holding rallies Ildar) Dadine. Let me be clear: neither Mr. Kalyapin, nor Lord (a member of the HRC Paul) pins and (a member of the Public monitoring Commission of Moscow Valery) Borshchiv, not even close, had no right to visit the said colony,” he said.
“the Colony is not a Botanical garden and not a yard, a correctional facility where a strict permit system, and other people trespassing. But given the resonance that caused the letter Dading and appeal personally to the Chairman of the HRC, it was decided to skip these human rights defenders, on the territory of the colony,” – said Maksimenko.
he Also noted that the penal system not only prevented the defenders, but turned to him with a request to help find violations.
“And what happens: two days these gentlemen watched, studied, searched and found nothing, absolutely not a single fact. And then started the notion and speculation, some unfounded accusations. That Kalyapin said that he was not allowed to carry a recorder in the colony, and in fact it was the phone he wanted to use as a voice recorder. And this is a means of communication and is a prohibited object in prison,” said Maximenko.
He explained that bringing a phone or SIM card is threatened by attraction to administrative responsibility. Staff for bringing the phone face dismissal from service. The same applies to personal Affairs of the prisoners – the law on protection of personal data forbids to introduce them to strangers.
“Then rich imagination Kalyapin puts forward a new assumption that there are some “secret” orders of the Federal penitentiary service, which allegedly prevent human rights activities. Say is absolutely right: such orders do not exist in nature. This year alone, our companies, members of the PMC visited more than 3 thousand times, more than 600 times they were checked by the prosecutors,” said Maximenko.
Recall the big public resonance was caused by history around opposition activist Ildar Dading, who was convicted in a new article of the criminal code for repeated violations during public events and serving time in prison.
Wife Dading Anastasia Zotova said that her husband allegedly tortured in prison, beaten and even threatened to kill. The leadership of the colony, according to her, aware of and involved in the bullying.
9 Nov Commissioner for human rights in Russia Tatiana Moskalkova appreciated the emotional and physical condition of the Dading. Before that Moskalkova told following the meeting with Davnym in Segezha colony that his body showed no signs of beating, called to transfer him to another colony.
In late November, Deputy Director of the Federal penitentiary service of Russia Valery Maksimenko has informed that a service check has not revealed evidence of unlawful use of force by Dadina.
the Regional SU IC in the Republic of Karelia also did not reveal violations when checking the complaints of opposition leader Ildar Dading. The HRC also confirmed the lack of evidence of violations of the rights of the Dading.
the Commissioner for human rights in the Republic of Karelia Alexander Sharapov announced that Ildar Dading will spend six months in solitary confinement for fighting with a fellow inmate.

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